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And lest the old japanners should appear again, in the shape of linkboys, and knock down gentlemen in drink, or lead others out of the way into dark remote places, where they either put out their lights, and rob them themselves, or run away and leave them to be pillaged by others, as is daily practised, I would have no person carry a link for hire but some of these industrious poor, and even such, not without some ticket or badge, to let people know whom they trust.

He founded a solid business in lamps and oils, and was the sole proprietor of a concern called the Greenside Company's Works "a multifarious concern it was," writes my cousin, Professor Swan, "of tinsmiths, coppersmiths, brassfounders, blacksmiths, and japanners." He was also, it seems, a shipowner and underwriter.

If it is desired to add gold or bronze bands or any kind of floral or other kind of fancy decorations, these are painted on, after the ground japanning has been done, in japanners' gold size, and then the gold leaf is applied, or the bronze or other metal powder is dusted on, after which the objects so treated are again placed in the stove, where they will not require to be kept near so long as for ordinary japanning.

The fair or mart usually kept in this place had been over some time; however, we found that there were three or four junks in the river, and two Japanners, I mean ships from Japan, with goods which they had bought in China, and were not gone away, having Japanese merchants on shore.

For such purposes as ovens, disinfecting chambers, japanners' stoves, founders' core drying, and similar requirements the best results are obtained by a number of separate jets of flame at the lowest part of the inclosed space, and the use of either illuminating or blue flames is a matter of no importance, as the total amount of heated air from either character of flame is the same.

Besides the two Japanners, Matthew and Bernard, who had constantly followed the Father, and would never forsake him, an ambassador from the king of Bungo embarked with him in the same vessel. The business of this embassy was to seek the friendship of the viceroy of the Indies, and to obtain a preacher from him, who might finish the conversion of that kingdom, in the room of Father Xavier.

Some japanners advocate the fluid being put on with camel-or badger-hair brushes, and for the best descriptions of work, final coats, and such like, I agree with them; but this is a detail which can be left to the operator's own fancy, the class of work, etc.; but I would remind him that applying enamel with a brush requires much care and a certain amount of "knack". It is something like successful lacquering in brasswork it looks very simple, but is not.

Another plan preferred by some japanners is to have three rows of burners the full length of the stove, which, under some circumstances, due to structural conditions, will be found more suitable. Anyway, whatever the position of the stove, allowance must be made for a temperature up to 400° F. to be raised.

He founded a solid business in lamps and oils, and was the sole proprietor of a concern called the Greenside Company's Works 'a multifarious concern it was, writes my cousin, Professor Swan, 'of tinsmiths, coppersmiths, brass-founders, blacksmiths, and japanners. He was also, it seems, a shipowner and underwriter.

How many frequent robberies are committed by these japanners? And to how many more are they confederates?