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2 To the second, his Maiesty willeth you to vnderstand that he hath not, nor will not hereafter be moued to breake friendship with the Queenes Maiesty, without good and iust cause.

These foure voyages I knew not to whom I might better offer then to your selfe, and that for diuers iust considerations. And heare to speake somewhat of this your enterprise, I affirme, that if the same may speedily and effectually be pursued, it will prooue farre more beneficiall in diuers respects vnto this our realme, then the world, yea many of the wiser sort, haue hitherto imagined.

But misfortune or rather the iust iudgement of God would haue it, that those which could not bee ouercome by fire nor water, should be vndone by their owne selues. This is the common fashion of men, which cannot continue in one state, and had rather to ouerthrow themselues, then not to attempt some new thing dayly.

Well! it is now publique, & you wil stand for your priuiledges wee know: to read, and censure. Do so, but buy it first. Then, how odde soeuer your braines be, or your wisedomes, make your licence the same, and spare not. Iudge your sixe-pen'orth, your shillings worth, your fiue shillings worth at a time, or higher, so you rise to the iust rates, and welcome. But, what euer you do, Buy.

And so by that means was Britaine lost, and the tribute which the Britains were accustomed to pay to the Romans ceassed, iust fiue hundred yéeres after that Iulius Cesar first entred the Ile.

1 First, they offered their bodies, finances, and lands, to serue the king of England, his heires, and successors, in all iust causes and actions, sauing alwaies their allegiance, knowing that he would not further inquire of them.

Pish, all this is nothing: there is a flat statute against it, let me see, in Anno vigessimo tricessimo, Henerio octavo be it enacted, what followes, Bunch? Sir Hu. Nay, good Sir, peace Madam, these are but wild evasions For times protraction; for your paritie, It cannot hold; since Nature does enforce Noe child to obey his parent in an act That is not good and iust. Lady.

The iust height of this knight is there kept in safe custody vntill this very day.

It is to me the drawing nigh of the fresh morning of life, when I shall be young and strong again, glad in the presence of the wise and beloved dead, and unspeakably glad in the presence of my God, which I have now but hope to possess far more hereafter. I will not take a solemn leave of my friends iust yet. For I hope to hold a little more communion with them ere I go hence.

Fer. Cease, Eleonora, cease these needles plaints, Less usefull than thy helpe of hands was at The deed of darkness, oh, the blackest deed That ever overclouded my felicity! To speake, or weepe thy sorrow, but allayes And quenches anger, which we must now cherish To further iust revenge. How I could wish But to call backe the strength of Twenty yeares! Ele.