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Jim inquisitorially, the while he cuddled her close. "Oh, you know, dear, Dr. Wyndham," she murmured. "Oh! So you call him Max, do you?" said Jim drily. "That's an innovation, so far as I am concerned." "I couldn't help it," she faltered, hiding her face a little lower. "He made me." "Did he indeed?" said Dr. Jim. "Well? What's the trouble?" "I I can't remember," she whispered forlornly.

"Oh," she murmured, with a sigh that might have been accounted one of relief. "Oh, it is yours, is it?" And eying him inquisitorially for a second's space, she placed the letter in his hand. "We may as well go in to dinner," she added at once, and with a glance at her husband she led the way.

I could not agree with him and I ventured to predict that neither of us would ever again see a political case tried publicly by jury in an ordinary court. The prediction has proved true. Since that time political offenders have been tried by special tribunals without a jury or dealt with "by administrative procedure," that is to say, inquisitorially, without any regular trial.

Slowly, stealthily, Jackrabbit left the cabin, the two women, though for different reasons, watching him go until the door had closed behind him. "Now, Wowkle," said the Girl, turning to her with a smile, "it's for two to-night." Wowkle's eyelashes twinkled up inquisitorially. "Huh?" "Yep." Wowkle's eyes narrowed to pin-points. "Come anotha? Never before come anotha," was her significant comment.

In the year 1903, if we may credit information which comes from an apparently trustworthy source, no less than 1,988 political affairs were initiated by the police, and 4,867 persons were condemned inquisitorially to various punishments without any regular trial. Whilst this unpopular rigorism was in full force the war unexpectedly broke out, and added greatly to the existing discontent.

When the witness goes on the stand for the first time the court attendant asks her to raise her right hand. She does so and tries to sit down in the witness chair so that she may feel a little more at ease. "Stand up," says the officer. The judge looks at her inquisitorially over his spectacles. She tries to smile and regains her feet. "Raise your hand," says the judge.

The Sheriff of Manzaneta County, for such was the newcomer's office, raised his steely grey eyes inquisitorially to Nick's who, with a hostile stare at the Australian, emitted: "Chicken lifter!" "String 'im! String 'im!" insisted Trinidad, at the same time dragging the culprit towards the door. "No, boys, no!" cried the unfortunate wretch, struggling uselessly to break away from his captors.