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The appreciation he ultimately secured an appreciation by no means inconsiderable, though in no sense comparable to that won in Anglo-Saxon and Germanic countries was due to his sagacity and penetration as an observer, and to his marvellous faculty for calling up scenes and situations by the clever use of the novel and the imprevu.

Mercifully John would decide the matter it was not his doing that he and Amaryllis had met. John caught sight of the three as he came along the balcony from the telephone, so that he had time to take in the situation; he saw that the meeting was quite imprevu, and he had, of course, no choice but to accept Verisschenzko's suggestion with a show of grace.

A good-natured, positively charitable doubt came into her mind a doubt that Selina might have the benefit of. What she liked in her present undertaking was the element of the imprévu that it contained, and perhaps it was simply the same happy sense of getting the laws of London once in a way off her back that had led Selina to go over to Paris to ramble about with Captain Crispin.

Archer looked at her perplexedly, wondering if it were lightness or dissimulation that enabled her to touch so easily on the past at the very moment when she was risking her reputation in order to break with it. "I do think," she went on, addressing both men, "that the imprevu adds to one's enjoyment. It's perhaps a mistake to see the same people every day."

Mon cher Monsieur Reeve, Je suis revenu ici il y a deux jours apres avoir fait en Autriche un voyage imprevu dont vous avez connu le motif et le resultat. Les dernieres nouvelles recues ne dementent pas cet espoir, quoique son etat soit toujours fort grave et plein de perils. Je ne puis naturellement faire dans une pareille situation de projets a longue echeance.

Madame, Je suis penetre de la douleur la plus vive, et reduit en meme temps au desespoir par ce retour imprevu du Caporal qui rend notre entrevue de ce soir la chose du monde la plus impossible. Mais vive la joie! et toute la mienne sera de penser a vous. L'amour n'est rien sans sentiment. Et le sentiment est encore moins sans amour. On dit qu'on ne doit jamais se desesperer.

Un coup imprevu l'a frappè, nous trouvons dans nos cœurs une vide semblable a celui qui trouve un amant qui a perdu l'objet de sa passion; tout se qu'il voit, tout ce qu'il entende renouvelle sa douleur. Ce sentiment rend notre situation vague et penible; chacun cherche a se dissimuler la place qu'il sente exister au fond de son cœur.

Mark Twain's mountainous humour, of this early type, never contains the element of final surprise, of the sudden, the unexpected, the imprevu. We know what is coming, we surrender ourselves more and more to the mood of the narrator, holding ourselves in reserve until laughter, no longer to be restrained, bursts forth in a torrent of undignified and explosive mirth.