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The Shadows of Ideas: De Umbris Idearum: such, in set terms, have been the subject of Bruno's discourse, appropriately to the still only half emancipated intellect of his audience: on approximations to truth: the divine imaginations, as seen, darkly, more bearably by weaker faculties, in words, in visible facts, in their shadows merely.

Thence he journeyed to Paris, where in 1582 he produced one of his more important works, De umbris idearum. Soon afterwards he came to London, where he became the intimate friend of Sir Philip Sidney. But in this work Bruno fell into grievous errors and dangerous atheistic deceits.

That sometimes, and apparently without any reason, long-forgotten scenes suddenly come into the memory, is, in many cases, due to the recurrence of a scarcely perceptible odour, of which we were conscious when those scenes actually took place; for it is well known that odours more easily than anything else awaken memories, and that, in general, something of an extremely trifling nature is all that is necessary to call up a nexus idearum.

He was a grand debater after all, that Senator Fajka, for he had again hit the right nail on the head, and at the same time enlightened the Galba and the Kozsehuba factions. "What a brain!" they exclaimed. The word brain reminded Galba of the dissecting part of the business per associationem idearum and he at once began to discuss the point. "Why dissect the man?

Because that great truth, in which are contained all treasures of all possible knowledge, was still opaque even to Bull and Waterland; because the Idea itself that 'Idea Idearum', the one substrative truth which is the form, manner, and involvent of all truths, was never present to either of them in its entireness, unity, and transparency.

The reproachful eyes were to-day for the most part kindly observant, registering every detail of that singular company, all the physiognomic effects which come, by the way, on people, and, through them, on things, the "shadows of ideas" in men's faces his own pleasantly expressive with them, in turn. De Umbris Idearum: it was the very title of his discourse.

I should like to know how many great and splendid thoughts these whips have cracked out of the world. If I had any authority, I should soon produce in the heads of these carters an inseparable nexus idearum between cracking a whip and receiving a whipping.