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"How many lungs have you? A three-kreutzer stamp is sufficient for local letters." Wladin and Senator Fajka were wondering how matters would stand if they were both very deaf, and Wladin was talking so loudly that his loving spouse felt bound to put in a word of remonstrance, and request him to have some respect for his lungs.

"But, my dear young lady, you must never take horses seriously, they have no real character. You see, this is how it was. Near the brickfield there is that immense windmill, for of course every town must have one. The world is making progress, in spite of all Senator Fajka says. Well, as I said, there is the windmill.

"What is true is true," he said, "and I herewith beg to call your attention to the fact that there is nothing to be feared from hail if we bring the body through the town." Up sprang Mr. Fajka at these words.

He was a grand debater after all, that Senator Fajka, for he had again hit the right nail on the head, and at the same time enlightened the Galba and the Kozsehuba factions. "What a brain!" they exclaimed. The word brain reminded Galba of the dissecting part of the business per associationem idearum and he at once began to discuss the point. "Why dissect the man?

For if a suicide were carried through a place, that place was threatened with damage by hail! "Superstitious rubbish!" burst out Konopka. "Of course, of course, Mr. Konopka, but who is to help it if the people are so superstitious?" asked Senator Fajka, of the Kozsehuba faction. Konopka wildly banged the table with his fat, be-ringed hand, upon which every one was quiet.

Kings do this too in another form, for at meetings and banquets they pay each other the compliment of dressing up in each other's uniforms; and yet no one thinks of laughing at them. Toast succeeded toast. "You have let the dogs loose now," whispered Fajka to Konopka. Mokry drank to the health of the lady of the house, and then Mravucsán stood up a second time to return thanks in his wife's name.