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Guthrie, I want you to let me have the twelve months good. It is a long wait, I know, but we should feel the benefit of it afterwards " "Hush-sh!" She glanced down the room in alarm, and saw the door open to admit the servant she had summoned. He brought teapot and kettle, hot cakes and muffins, and arranged them with unnecessary carefulness on the little table by the fireside.

"If the tariff was repealed," said Steve diffidently, "if we raised money for the National Government, just as we do for county government " "Hush-sh!" said Mitchell, shocked. "That's High Treason that's Unconstitutional! Some one will hear you! Then there's another. You sell at a sacrifice to pay your debts. If we get in debt that's exactly what we won't do.

It was a clear and sparkling night; there were no foghorns to disturb her dreams with their raucous warnings, and the surf along the beaches below the Head merely scuffed its way up and down the strand with a soothing "Hush! Hush-sh!" At dawn, however, there came a noise which roused the newcomer to Wreckers' Head. She awoke with a start.

Joy opened the door, and jumped, with a scream that echoed through the silent entry. "Hush-sh! What is the matter?" "A—a—it's a ghost!" "A ghost! Nonsense!" Gypsy pushed by trembling Joy and ran out. She, too, came back with a jump, and, though she did not scream, she did not say nonsense. "What can it be?" It certainly did look amazingly like a ghost.

Ormonde was silent for a while; and then opening her fan to screen her irrepressible desire to communicate her observations, resumed: "I am sure I saw Captain Darrell in the doorway only for a minute, and he went away. I hope he will come and talk to us. You were gone when he came back from leave to Monckton, I mean. He is rather amu " A warning "hush-sh" interrupted her.

Ain't I a Toupillier myself? What do you want to do with them, those Toupilliers?" This savage outburst was hastily repressed by Cerizet, who uttered a prolonged "Hush-sh!" such as all conspirators obey. "Well, go and find out all you can about it, and come back to me," said Cerizet, pushing the woman toward the door, and whispering, as he did so, a few words in her ear.

"Hush-sh! don't swear, Cap it's profane and unwomanly; and nothing on earth but broken oaths would be the result!" But Cap was off! In an instant she was down in the yard, where her groom was holding her horse, ready in case she wished to take her usual ride. "Where is Mr. John Stone?" she asked. "Down at the kennels, miss," answered the boy.

Hastings could reply, Dora, wishing to redeem her character, which she was sure she had lost by having been caught with her feet in the brook, darted forward and opening the gate, held it for them to pass. "Shall I give her some money?" softly whispered Ella, feeling for her purse. "Hush-sh!" answered Mr.

All but one, which she held clasped in her hand. "Then Olga wept at the castle gate; wept outside in the night and the darkness, in her beggar's garb of tow. But after awhile, through her sobbing, stole the answering sob of the night wind. 'Hush-sh! it seemed to say. 'Sh-sh! Never a heart can come to harm, if the lips but speak the old dame's charm.

But he thinks Italian painting all stuff, and that so many Madonnas and saints encourage superstition. But what's the use of talking? They have to station a policeman beside his picture in the Academy to keep off the crowd. Hush-sh! He is looking this way. She turned her head, and Fenwick feared she was lost to him. He managed to get in another question. 'Are there any other painters here?