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Percival's guardian jerked his head in their direction after they had passed, and volunteered this bit of information: "Hornswoggled, them girls was. Come all the way down from New York six months ago. Promised double pay and plenty of work in the American colony. Sore as crabs, all of 'em.

"It WAS a pretty good country," Bert replied, "when we was all Mohegans. But not now. We're jiggerooed. We're hornswoggled. We're backed to a standstill. We're double-crossed to a fare-you-well. My folks fought for this country. So did yourn, all of you. We freed the niggers, killed the Indians, an starved, an' froze, an' sweat, an' fought. This land looked good to us.

Nathan and the new man were coming in the distance as John Hunter drove away, and the girl turned back into the kitchen to help with the supper. "Lizzie Farnshaw! And you are the Elizabeth these folk have been talkin' about? Well, I'll be hornswoggled!" Nathan and the new boarder had just come in. "Is it really you, Luther?" Elizabeth asked, and there was no mistaking the glad tones.

If you want to know what hell can really do in the way of furies, look for the chap who has been hornswoggled into taking a long and unnecessary bicycle ride in the dark without a lamp. Mark that word "unnecessary". That was the part of it that really jabbed the iron into the soul.

"But I kin see a reason, Deacon. If this here young man was a member of your family, so to speak, and was related to you clost by ties of love and marriage, I don't see how he'd have a right to hold his hand.... Want this man's daughter f'r your wedded wife, don't you?" "Yes," said the parson, faintly. "Hear that, Deacon? Hear that?" "Never, by the hornswoggled whale that swallered Jonah."

Could she ever forgive him? Would she have the generosity to realize that a man ought not to be held accountable for what he says in the moment when he discovers that he has been cheated, deceived, robbed, in a word, hornswoggled? He had been brooding on this all night, and he wanted to go on brooding now. His aunt's question interrupted his train of thought. "Eh?" he said vaguely, gaping.

I was so sure that you was bein' systematically hornswoggled that, when two rank strangers made that sort of a ranikiboo play at me, I talked it out with myself, like this not out loud just me and Pete colloguing: "'These gentlemen are pickin' on you, Pete. What's that for? 'Why, says Pete, 'that's because you're Stan's pardner, of course.

"Wal, I'll be hornswoggled, Billy Barnes!" was the exclamation of the stranger. "Ben Stubbs!" exclaimed the amazed Billy, almost knocked off his feet at the sudden encounter with the brave adventurer who had shared the boys' perils in Nicaragua, the Everglades and in Africa. "What are you doing here?"

You can't trust these wizards of Wall Street. They'll do you every crack, if you don't keep your eye peeled. Hornswoggled me out of seven letters." "You've got to watch 'em," mused Fitts. "What was he apologizing to her for?" "Something to do with his washing. I don't just remember what it was, but I think she didn't iron and fold his handkerchiefs properly, or maybe it was his collars.

I told you Maggie would put a curse on you. What is it?" So I told him. The telephone he already knew about. The confession he read over twice, and then observed, characteristically, that he would be eternally I think the word is "hornswoggled." When I brought out "The Handwriting of God," following Mrs. Graves's story of the books, he looked thoughtful.