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The author of his Life cites the opinions entertained respecting him by Luther. Philip Camerarius speaks of him in his Horae Subsecivae as a celebrated name among magicians, apparently without reference to the Life that has come down to us; and Wierus does the same thing.

This is the oldest and most universal name for the Breviary and its recitation. Other names were, Opus Dei; Agenda; Pensum servitutis; Horae; Horae Canonicae. Which books were employed in olden times in reciting the Office?

Numerous other divinities, not included among the Olympic, but some not less important than the twelve. Such are Hades, Helios, Dionysus, the Charites, the Muses, the Nereids, the Nymphs, etc. 3. Deities who perform special service to the greater gods, Iris, Hebe, the Horae;, etc. 4. Deities whose personality is less distinct, Ate, Eris, Thanatos, Hypnos, etc. 5.

Should you be disposed to disallow the account which the scripture gives of St. Paul, I will ask the favour of you to point out and show to my understanding where in Paley's Horae Paulinae fails of proving the truth of the scripture history of St. Paul. What follows is designed to notice your sixth number; out of which the following subjects are selected, on which some remarks are made. 1st.

Afterwards, as he tells us, the Horae were read aloud after the manner of magpies, jackdaws, or parrots. If he wished in penitence to be freed from the sins which had tormented him so long, and were a daily burden on his conscience, the means of confession provided by the Church were always ready for him in the convent.

The pieces in this volume, which the publishers have selected from the two volumes of "Horae Subsecivae," omitting the more professional papers, are full of humor, tenderness, and common sense. They betray only occasionally, in a technical way, that the author is a disciple, as well as admirer, of Sydenham, and his own countryman, Cullen.

During those melancholy weeks at Pimlico, I read aloud another work of the same nature as those of Habershon and Jukes, the Horae Apocalypticae of a Mr. Elliott. This was written, I think, in a less disagreeable style, and certainly it was less opaquely obscure to me.

His frequent orations for the literary societies of Brown University and the University of Michigan, and other occasions, have been marked by scholarly finish and have always been received with approval. During the existence of the Knickerbocker Magazine, before its decadence, he contributed to its pages a series of valuable articles on "Butler's Horae Juridical," and on "The Revolution of 1688."

"Since I wrote my last I have examined Paley's Horae Paulinae, a work of extraordinary merit which had never before fallen into my hands: his Evidences of Christianity, I have read several years ago, but have not lately particularly examined that work. Paul, or the acts of the apostles, can be supposed to be forgeries, in their full force.

Finally, an image of the god was made out of paste, and this was divided into morsels and eaten in a hideous sacrament by those who communicated." Compare the festival of Thargelia at Athens, originally connected with the ripening of the crops. A procession was formed and the first fruits of the year offered to Apollo, Artemis and the Horae.