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The two cow hands looked at the beasts, identifying them with the facility of their breed. "Old Jim Banker, I reckon. In for a wrastlin' match with the demon rum. Anything you want to know about the Esmeraldas he can tell you, if you can make him talk." "Old Jim Banker? Old-timer, is he?" "Been a-soakin' liquor and a-dryin' out in the desert hereaways ever since fourteen ninety-two, I reckon.

"First," says the man, "let me tell you that I never before clapped eyes on the long piece of rascality you were seeking. He looked like one that had cheated the gallows." "He was a man I knew in Scotland," I said grumpily. "Likely enough. There's a heap of Scots redemptioners hereaways. I'm out of Scotland myself, or my forbears were, but my father was settled in the Antrim Glens.

You must know, Andrew, that all this land hereaways, except for the little Algonquin villages on the shore, is Sioux country, with as many tribes as there are houses in Clan Campbell. But cheek by jowl is a long strip held by the Tuscaroras, a murdering lot of devils, of whom you and I'll get news sooner than we want.

"Stand here," he whispered, "close in here, jest behind this here crag and look out hereaways toward the village. If he comes down this runway, kill him, but mind you doosn't show a hair out of this corner; for Archer, he'll stand next, and if so be he crosses from the swamp hole hereaways, you'll chance to get a bullet. Be still, now, as a mouse, and tie your horse here in the cove! Now, lads"

As I was lying down a man spoke to me, one Rycroft, at whose cabin I had once sojourned for a day. "What brings the parson hereaways in these times?" he asked. "What parson?" I asked. "The man they call Doctor Blair." "Great God!" I cried, "what about him?" "He was in Stafford county when I left, hunting for schoolmasters. Ay, and he had a girl with him." I sat upright with a start.

The good Ivo was overseas, busy on the Brittany marches, and there was no ruler in Fenland. "You he will spare," Aelward told his sister's husband. "He does not war with you new-comers. But us of the old stock he claims as his prey. How say you, Frenchman? Will you reason with him? Hereaways we are peaceful folk, and would fain get on with our harvest."

Snow ain't so bad but " "But what?" "She drifts into this here cañon pretty bad. There ain't no road and down hereaways where these rocks make the goin' hard at the best of times, the drifts sure stack up bad." "What is it that you mean, Monsieur Sucatash?" "I mean that we ain't goin' to have no trouble gettin' in, mad'mo'selle, but we may have a fierce time gettin' out.

There'll be little use for braw clothes and fine manners in the hills." "All the same there'll be a use for Mr. Grey. When will you join us?" "I've a bit of business to do hereaways, but I'll catch you up. Look for me at Aird's store on Thursday morning." I was at the Governor's house next day before he had breakfasted. He greeted me laughingly. "Has the champion come to cry forfeit?" he asked.

It was twae miles from Wamphray on the Lockerbie road, but they tell me the place is noo just a rickle o' stanes. 'I was wondering, mistress, if I could get a cup of tea in the village. 'Ye'll hae a cup wi' me, she said. 'It's no often we see onybody frae the Borders hereaways. The kettle's just on the boil.

He said he wanted us to give you half of it if we found it and we sure would do that though it don't look like we got much chance because he couldn't tell where it was. The boys have been looking but they haven't found it yet. If they do you can gamble your last chip they will split it with you or else there will be some more funerals around hereaways.