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He turned and shook his fist at the distant betting ring where the cashiers were paying off the last of the winning tickets. "Look out for me, all of you sharks!" said the boy. "From now till the end of the meeting it's packing-house rules, and everything goes!" "'A wise son heareth his father's instruction," quoted Old Man Curry. "I hear you, old-timer," said the Kid, "but I don't get you.

As he slid the bill through the wicket he started to sneeze, and reached backward for his handkerchief, apparently. "Here's one," said Bud. "Don't sneeze too hard, old-timer, or you're liable to sneeze your whiskers all off. It's happened before." Someone outside fired a shot in at Bud, clipping his hatband in front.

Now I am. In the Then I shall not be. Kismet!" The poet's fine frenzy faded. He sank back into his chair, apparently worn out by his vast mental effort. Clay gave a deep chuckle of delight. This was good. "Heap much oration," he murmured. "Go to it, old-timer. Steam off again. Git down in yore collar to it." To miss none of the fun he hitched a little closer on the bench.

When he got back to the States he could tell the folks what real cold was. He drifted on from this to a vision of the old-timer on Sulphur Creek. He could see him quite clearly, warm and comfortable, and smoking a pipe. "You were right, old hoss; you were right," the man mumbled to the old- timer of Sulphur Creek.

It is hard to make Western men, and especially old-timers, talk. But this gift was hers, and it stirred my admiration to see her draw on a grizzled veteran to tell how, twenty years ago, he had crossed the Great Divide, and had seen and done what no longer fell to men to see or do in these new days. And so she won the old-timer.

"Boy !" he wrestled with a slight bronchial huskiness, cleared his throat, tried again, and gave it up, contenting himself with, "Beg your pardon for callin' you 'Boy. You're a seasoned old-timer, sah." And the Boy felt as if some Sovereign had dubbed him Knight. In a day or two now, from north or south, the first boat must appear. The willows were unfolding their silver leaves.

It spoke well for his self-control that his fingers were almost steady as he deliberately fashioned a cigarette and thrust it between his lips. When he had lighted it and inhaled a puff or two, he turned slowly to Pop Daggett again. "You sure know how to shoot a surprise into a fellow, old-timer," he drawled. "A woman rancher, eh? That's going some around this country, I'll say.

And I forgot to take the string off her tail and maybe it ain't comfortable any more!" "We're going to hit the trail, old-timer, just as soon as we get outside of a little grub." Andy's voice was so tender that Miss Allen gulped back a sob of sympathy. "You take this stick and finish roasting the meat, and then see what you think of rabbit-hams. I hear you've been a real old cowpuncher, Buck.

"Nothin a-tall, that ain't. But the li'l green pea ain't under that shell. Listen here, Swing, old-timer, I got a long and gashly tale of wickedness to pour into those lily-white mule ears of yores. Yep, if it wasn't me a-telling it I'll bet you'd think it was a fairy tale." "I might even so," said the sceptical Swing. "But I don't mind. I'm good-natured to-day. I feel just like being lied to.

Black Tex set out the bottle negligently and stood waiting. "Is that all?" he inquired pointedly, as the old man slopped out a drink. "Well, have one yourself," returned the old-timer grudgingly. Then, realizing his breach of etiquette, he suddenly straightened up and included the entire barroom in a comprehensive sweep of the hand. "Come up hyar, all of yoush," he said drunkenly.