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Shot through the leg shattered a bone, by cripes! las' night, only; and here he's makin' a hand and ridin' and cussin' same as any of us t'day. We ain't goin' to let yuh grouch around, that's all. We claim we got a vacation comm' to us; you're shot up, now, and that's fun enough for one man, without throwin' it into the whole bunch. Why, a little nick like that ain't nothin'; nothin' a-tall.

Was it a foreman you wanted or a gunman? And what did Racey mean about Jack Harpe a-bearing down on you so hard, huh?" "Nothing, nothing, nothing a-tall," Lanpher replied, irritably. "If Racey didn't mean nothing by it, what did yore eyes flip for and why didja shuffle yore feet?" "Whatell business is it of yores?" burst out the goaded manager. "None," Alicran replied, calmly.

"Say it, Miss Ruth. Just because he gave me the whaling of my young life. Nothing to that, nothing a-tall. My system can absorb a licking without bearing a grudge. But he ain't on the level. 'Course you'll hate me for saying it, but some one's got to tell you." "It's none of your business. I dare say it was you that was with Phil when he when he got into trouble." "Yes." "I thought so."

Show us where they is, like a good girl!" "'Deed, Ah don' know where dey is a-tall, Marse Sheriff!" "Come on, gal, you was the only one downstairs exceptin' Jacklin heah!" pointing to the jailer. The jailer nodded his head asseveratingly. "Yes, Martha, tell us whar the keys air," urged the latter, with caressing softness and fright in his voice. He didn't want his mistress whipped.

And if she is a witch why is she scared of them a-tall?" But Martha says if you have second sight you don't need to be a witch to see them in the daytime. Well, you can never tell about them ghosts. Some says one thing and some says another. Old Mis' Primrose, in our town, she always believed in 'em firm till her husband died. When he was dying they fixed it up he was to come back and visit her.

"An' then Mother 'Larkey won't think you made me run away," pursued Jerry, pressing home his advantage. "I won't say nothin' to her nohow about that." Danny did not reply at once and Jerry spoke again. "You can keep your top an' your shiny horseshoe nail, too." "You won't say nothin' to mother a-tall?" Danny weakened. "No," Jerry assured him. "Cross your heart, hope to die an' spit?"

He could see perhaps thirty or forty feet ahead of him over the smooth plain of black water, and at an equal distance to right and left the black wall rose, also. So far as feeling went, the land might be a thousand miles away, and he was glad of it. "Which sea are we ploughin' through now, Paul?" he said. "Is it the Atlantic or the Pacific or one I ain't heard tell of a-tall, a-tall?

Petticoats is always lingery, but lingery ain't always petticoats. See?" "I don't. I don't see a-tall. I think yo're goin' crazy. That's what I think. Nemmine. Nemmine. If you say lingery at me again I won't let you introduce me to yore girl." "She ain't my girl," denied Racey, reddening. "But you'd like her to be, huh? Shore. What does she think about it? Which one of 'em is she?"

I was aimin' to learn to copy it off; but I showed it to one of the hands at the liver' stable and he busted out laughin'. And then I come to find out this here feller had tricked me fur to make game of me. He hadn't wrote my name out a-tall he'd wrote some dirty words instid. So after that I give up tryin' to educate myself. That was several years back and I ain't tried sence.

Your father got the double-cross; I don't stand for anything like that. Not a-tall!" He heaved a sigh of nervous relaxation, for the last half hour had been keyed rather high for them both, and pulled his hat down on his head. "Say, Jean! Want to go across with me and meet the general? You can make my talk a whole lot stronger by telling what you came for. I'll get leave, all right, then.