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But, to quit Headthelot, and the snug post he anticipated, would be ruin irretrievable; nothing short of outlawry, or the queen's prison. It was awfully necessary to get his threatened person into parliament, and he began to turn over in his mind whether he could bring himself to make further acquaintance with West Lynne.

Such was the report, or something equivalent to it, which had gone in to Lord Headthelot, or rather, to the official office, for that renowned chief was himself out of town; it had also been delivered to all callers at Sir Francis Levison's house; the royal truth being that Sir Francis was as well as you or I, but, from something that had transpired touching one of his numerous debts, did not dare to show himself.

"If you call ten miles close. I shall not put up for West Lynne, Meredith." "Headthelot came up this morning," said Mr. Meredith. The information somewhat aroused Sir Francis. "Headthelot? What brings him back?" "You. I tell you, Levison, there's a hot row. Headthelot expected you would be at West Lynne days past, and he has come up in an awful rage.

Headthelot is angry enough as it is. He says, had you been down at first, as you ought to have been, you would have slipped in without opposition, but now there will be a contest." Sir Francis looked up sharply. "A contest? Who is going to stand the funds?" "Pshaw! As if we should let funds be any barrier! Have you heard who is in the field?" "No," was the apathetic answer. "Carlyle."

Any place with much to do would not suit him, or he it; he was too empty-headed for work requiring talent; you may have remarked that a man given to Sir Francis Levison's pursuits generally is. He dropped into something good, or that promised good nothing less than the secretaryship to Lord Headthelot, who swayed the ministers in the upper House.