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Beatrice had long been dead, her children were in exile, and the Moro was wearing his heart out in lonely captivity within the gloomy prison walls of Loches. C. dell'Acqua, Lorenzo Gusnasco, pp. 19, 20. Luzio-Renier, op. cit., pp. 622, 623.

For her the wise man of Pavia, Lorenzo Gusnasco, fashioned cunningly wrought instruments, lutes and viols inlaid with ebony and ivory, and organs inscribed with Latin mottoes; and the wonderful tenor, Cordier, the priest of Louvain, sang his sweetest and most entrancing strains in the ducal chapel.

Music and dancing were taught them almost from infancy. They learnt to play the viol and lute, and sang canzoni and sonnets to the accompaniment of these instruments. Beatrice, we know, was passionately fond of music. She employed the great Pavian Lorenzo Gusnasco to make her clavichords and viols of the finest order, and like her father, she never travelled without her favourite singers.

Beatrice d'Este as a patron of learning and poetry Vincenzo Calmeta, her secretary Serafino d'Aquila Rivalry of Lombard and Tuscan poets Gaspare Visconti's works Poetic jousts with Bramante Niccolo di Correggio and other poets Dramatic art and music at the court of Milan Gaffuri and Testagrossa Lorenzo Gusnasco of Pavia.

And there was one more gifted artist, who, like Atalante Migliorotti, was both a skilled musician and a mechanic, and whose whole life was devoted to the construction of musical instruments of the choicest quality, Lorenzo Gusnasco of Pavia.