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Caradosso was sent to conduct Martini from Siena, while Gaffuri, Professor of Music, escorted Fancelli from Mantua by the duke's orders, and both masters were richly rewarded for the pains and presented with silken vests and clothes for their servants over and above the pay to which they were entitled.

In 1496, a treatise on music by Franchino Gaffuri was published, with a dedication to the duke, and was followed by the appearance of several works on harmony. The munificence of Lodovico stirred up others to follow his example.

Fra Luca Pacioli of Borgo San Sepolcro, the famous mathematician, came to teach them geometry and arithmetic, and Ferrari occupied the first chair of history ever founded in Italy, while the priest Gaffuri became the first public instructor in the new school of music.

Beatrice d'Este as a patron of learning and poetry Vincenzo Calmeta, her secretary Serafino d'Aquila Rivalry of Lombard and Tuscan poets Gaspare Visconti's works Poetic jousts with Bramante Niccolo di Correggio and other poets Dramatic art and music at the court of Milan Gaffuri and Testagrossa Lorenzo Gusnasco of Pavia.

Testagrossa is said to have sung in the Spanish style, which was much in vogue at Milan, where a Spaniard named Pedro Maria was director of the palace concerts, and is frequently mentioned in Bellincioni's poems. The priest Franchino Gaffuri, as already stated, occupied the first chair of music ever founded in Italy.