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"Don't talk Latin to a fellow." "And you sounded as though you were using 'pig-Latin," laughed Amy. "You said we "strought' to see Mr. 'Stout'." "Oh! Jicksy! Did I?" exclaimed the boy. I'm always saying one thing and meaning another, aren't I? Is that a lapsus linguae? "It is in this case, Gummy. But go on do." "Well, Mr. Strout looks just like a piece of that green-speckled cheese Mr.

The new miners hurried specimens of the green-speckled rock to the chemical laboratories for experimentation, and meanwhile began to lay up stores of the ore in anticipation of the time when the proper way to extract the metal should be discovered. But, alas! that time did not come. The fresh ore proved to be as refractory as that which had been obtained from Dr. Syx.

Now I don't think that Tom and Frank were cruel, but they had to live, and those great green-speckled eggs made a splendid addition to the larder, so that, what with sunshine and better food, the girls soon got back all the colour they had lost during the long, long night of winter. But where was the Valhalla and her crew all this time? Would they never, never come? The Crusoes lived in hope.

We lunched with the other three at Romsey. Then I sat in front for a little while to talk to my Malachi. When I looked back, Shend was solidly asleep, and stayed so for the next two hours, while Leggatt chased Attley's fat Daimler along the green-speckled hedges. He woke up when we said good-bye at Mittleham, with promises to meet again very soon. 'And I hope, said Mrs.