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Next to her new paint and varnish I was most impressed by her four brand-new tyres. 'But I didn't order new tyres, I said as we moved away. 'These are Irresilients, too. 'Treble-ribbed, said Leggatt. 'Diamond-stud sheathing. 'Then there has been a mistake. 'Oh no, sir; they're gratis.

Leggatt, an upholsterer, was broken open, and his stock of bedding, chairs, tables, and other valuable furniture was brought into the roadway, broken up, and fired, amid the cheers of the excited people. One man, more adventurous than the rest, deliberately carried a flaming brand into the shop and set the premises on fire. The sight of the flames seemed to rouse the mob to ungovernable fury.

"We can't wait till they've finished cutting chaff for their horses. We must make 'em understand we're not to be trifled with. Expedite 'em with another rocket, Mr. Pyecroft." A smart bit o' work. ''Twasn't a puncture. The inner tube had nipped because we skidded so, Leggatt interrupted. 'While your Mr.

It was commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel Leggatt, and formed part of Brigadier-General Paynter's 172nd Infantry Brigade of the 57th Division, which was a Division composed entirely of Lancashire troops, and a sister Division to the 55th. After being delayed for three days at Folkestone, it crossed to Boulogne on the 20th.

But we never anticipated lobsters being so sensitive. That was why we shifted. We could 'ardly tear our commandin' officer away. He put his head on one side, and kept cooin'. The only thing he 'ad neglected to provide was a line of retreat; but your Mr. Leggatt an 'eroic soul in the last stage of wet prostration here took command of the van, or, rather, the rear-guard.

I'd defy you to find a scratch on her even with a microscope. 'Then we will go home by the Portsmouth road, I said. And we went at those speeds which are allowed before the working-day begins or the police are thawed out. We were blocked near Portsmouth by a battalion of Regulars on the move. 'Whitsuntide manoeuvres just ending, said Leggatt. 'They've had a fortnight in the Downs.

'To resoom the post-mortem, said Pyecroft, lighting his pipe. 'My slumbers were broken by the propeller ceasing to revolve, and by vile language from your Mr. Leggatt. 'I I Leggatt began, a blue-checked duster in one hand and a cup in the other. 'When you're wanted aft you'll be sent for, Mr. Leggatt, said Pyecroft amiably. 'It's clean mess decks for you now.

It'll do 'em worlds of good. 'Leggatt, I said, 'will you take Mr. Shend's bag and suitcase up to the house and put them down just inside the door? Then we will go on. So I enjoyed the finish alone. It was a dead heat, and they licked each other's jaws in amity till Harvey, one imploring eye on me, leaped into the front seat, and Malachi backed his appeal.

Here is a strange development truly. I had been hoping, as you may remember, to be able to go to Mr. Leggatt, at Fred's graduation, and to ask for a clerkship for my boy on the plea of his steadiness and sterling common sense; and now the solicitation has come to me on the score of his grit as a foot-ball kicker.

I assume that the doctor is right, but it seems strange to me that a boy should get run down through foot-ball exercise. However, he is to go abroad for six months, which ought to mend matters, and then buckle down to work with Leggatt & Paine.