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Marguerite enters through the street with her lantern and sings the romance of the King of Thule, which Berlioz calls a Chanson Gothique, one of the most original of his creations and, like the song in the next scene, "L'amour l'ardente flamme," which takes the place of Goethe's "Meine Ruh' ist hin," is steeped in a mood of mystical tenderness quite beyond description.

He speaks with rapture of his black-letter Chaucer, which he proposes to have bound 'in Gothique, so as to unmodernize as much as possible its outward appearance. But to Keats books were literature or they were not literature, and one cannot think that his affections would twine about ever so bookish a volume which was merely 'curious.

So his father-in-law sent him some information about the place, and added: "Ne manquez pas surtout de voir l'interieur de la Salle Synodale qui est peut-etre la plus belle salle gothique du monde apres celle de Westminster. Le tresor de la Cathedrale est interessant. "Je continue a me porter beaucoup mieux. Les nuits sont bonnes. "A bientot, puisque vous avez la bonne pensee de revenir.

Pattison somewhat sternly remarks, and on the other to be reprehended by Germain Brice in 1718, for evincing quelque reste du goût gothique some reminiscence of Gothic taste. Jean Goujon is really the first modern French sculptor. He remains, too, one of the very finest, even in a competition constantly growing more exacting since his day.