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'How are you today? 'Better, much better, thank you, said Madame, with a faint smile; 'the doctor assures me I shall be quite well in a week. 'With perfect rest and quiet, of course, interposed Gollipeck, sitting down and spreading his handkerchief over his knees.

'Pardon me, observed Vandeloup, coolly, removing some ash from his velvet coat, 'it implicates Octave Braulard, who is at present, with a sharp look at Gollipeck, 'in New Caledonia. 'If that is the case, asked the doctor, gruffly, 'who are you? 'I am the friend of Braulard, said Vandeloup, in a measured tone.

'Myself, Braulard, and Prevol one of the writers of the book you refer to were medical students together, and we all three emphatically knew about this poison extracted from hemlock. He spoke so quietly that Gollipeck looked at him in a puzzled manner, not understanding his meaning. 'You mean Braulard and Prevol were medical students? he said, doubtfully.

Gollipeck, with his greasy coat, all rucked up behind his neck, and his frayed shirt cuffs coming down on his ungainly hands, sat sternly silent, so Vandeloup, after contemplating him for a few moments, had to begin the battle. 'My room is untidy, is it not? he said, nodding his head carelessly at the chaos of furniture. 'I'm going away for a few days.

'None at all, replied Vandeloup, blandly; 'but she had to poison Mrs Villiers. 'Go on, said Gollipeck, gruffly; 'I've no doubt you will make up an admirable story. 'So kind of you to compliment me, observed Vandeloup, lightly; 'but in this instance I happen to tell the truth Kitty Marchurst was my mistress. 'It was you that ruined her, then? cried Gollipeck, pushing back his chair.

Catherine certainly had the power, but Ruggieri possessed the science a very fair division of labour for getting rid of people, I must say but what have you got there? nodding towards a large book which Gollipeck carried under his arm. 'For you, answered the other, taking the book slowly from under his arm, and thereby causing another button to fly off, 'quite new, work on toxicology.

'The case of Adele Blondet, for instance, eh? asked the old man sharply. 'Yes, I was present at the trial, replied Vandeloup, quietly; 'the prisoner Octave Braulard was convicted, condemned to death, reprieved, and sent to New Caledonia. 'Where he now is, said Gollipeck, quickly, looking at him. 'I presume so, replied Vandeloup, lazily. 'After the trial I never bothered my head about him.

Everything, however, was vague and uncertain; so Dr Gollipeck, when he arrived home, came to the above-named conclusion that he would watch Vandeloup, and then, dismissing him from his mind, went to work on his favourite subject.

When Gollipeck left the witness-box there was a dead silence, as everyone was too much excited at his strange story to make any comment thereon. Madame Midas looked with some astonishment on Vandeloup as his name was called out, and he moved gracefully to the witness-box, while Kitty's face grew paler even than it was before.

What was easier for her than to pour the poison into the glass, which stood ready to receive it? Mind you, I don't say she did it deliberately impulse hallucination madness what you like but she did it. 'By God! cried Gollipeck, warmly, 'you'd argue a rope round the girl's neck even before she has had a trial. I believe you did it yourself.