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'My faith, replied Vandeloup, carelessly taking the seat, 'there isn't much to tell I said goodbye to Monsieur Marchurst and Mademoiselle Kitty and went down to Ballarar. 'How was it you did not pass me on the way? asked Madame, quickly fixing her piercing eyes on him. 'I drove slowly. He bore her scrutiny without blenching or even changing colour.

On the other hand, Miss Marchurst tells M. Vandeloup that she still has some poison left, and that she will kill Mrs Villiers sooner than see her married to him. She declares to M. Vandeloup that she will kill her, and leaves the house to go home with, apparently, all the intention of doing so.

A. No, because I went back to the ball-room with her; then I came out myself to look for the bottle, but it was gone. Q. You have never seen it since. A. No, it must have been picked up by someone who was ignorant of its contents. Q. By your own showing, M. Vandeloup, Miss Marchurst had no poison with her when she left Mr Meddlechip's house. How, then, could she commit this crime?

'Wonderful! reiterated the old man, passing his thin hand lightly over the rough surface; 'verily the Lord hath hidden great treasure in the entrails of the earth, and the Pactolus would seem to be a land of Ophir when it yields such wealth as this. The nugget was duly admired by everyone, and then Brown and Jane, who formed the household of Marchurst, were called in to look at it.

Madame Midas believed to a certain extent in this, and she half expected that when Pierre went he would be followed by M. Vandeloup, but she certainly did not think that the disappearance of her husband would be followed by that of Kitty Marchurst.

He had plenty of money, and with a new name and a brand new character, Vandeloup thought he would prosper exceedingly well in the States. So he stayed at home, not caring to face the stony faces of friends who cut him, and waited for the trial of Kitty Marchurst, after which he intended to leave for Sydney at once, and take the next steamer to San Francisco.

'Ah, Madame, I do but exchange a lesser pleasure for a greater one, said the gallant Frenchman, with a pleasant smile; 'but are you sure you will not want me to drive you home? 'Not at all, said Madame, as they all went outside; 'I am quite safe. 'Still, with this, said Mr Marchurst, bringing up the rear, with the nugget now safely placed in its wooden box, 'you might be robbed.

What rustle of pretty gowns is pleasant as the silken shiver of the maple leaves in summer at this door? The happiest time in that life was when we got away to Holwood or Marchurst, with the balls and calls all over." Mrs. Malbrouck smoothed her daughter's hand gently and smiled approvingly. "But that old life of yours, mother; what was it? You said that you would tell me some day. Tell me now.

The question now arose that as the guilt of Miss Marchurst seemed so certain, how was it that Selina Sprotts was poisoned instead of her mistress; but this was settled by Madame Midas, who being recalled, deposed that Kitty did not know Selina slept with her on that night, and the curtains being drawn, could not possibly tell two people were in the bed.

What rustle of pretty gowns is pleasant as the silken shiver of the maple leaves in summer at this door? The happiest time in that life was when we got away to Holwood or Marchurst, with the balls and calls all over." Mrs. Malbrouck smoothed her daughter's hand gently and smiled approvingly. "But that old life of yours, mother; what was it? You said that you would tell me some day. Tell me now.