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She glanced at her companion's dreamy, fateful face. "Let us not speak of the dead!" she concluded. "To-day we will make gnocchi of polenta." IN the afternoon Gloria called Sora Nanna to move the chest against which she had stumbled in the morning. It would be more convenient, she said, to put it under the bed, if it could not be taken away altogether.

There was an acrid edge to it. It had the peculiar and subtle terror of a grief that was not caused only by events, but also, and specially, by something within herself. "Gnocchi we must have gnocchi!" "Oh, yes." "But wait, though! There are ravioli! It would hardly do to have both, I suppose, would it?" "No; they are too much alike." "Then which shall we have?"

Leave these to one side, and put two quarts of salted water on to boil. When it boils add the gnocchi a few at a time, until all are in the water. When the gnocchi rise to the surface of the water, take them out with the skimmer. Put them into a platter a few at a time, adding each time gravy and cheese, and covering them well. Put a layer of grated cheese sprinkled on top.

God can do everything. She went straight from her cell to heaven. Eh, she is in peace, Signora, as you say. Requiesca'. Come, Signora, it takes at least three-quarters of an hour to make gnocchi." And they did not know. She was standing on her daughter's grave, and the tablet was a memorial of the mother of the woman beside her. "You make me think of her, Signora," said the peasant.

And we are going to have gnocchi done in a special way with cheese. Gnocchi with cheese! Please please don't disappoint me." "But I haven't been very well the last two days, and I'm rather afraid of the cold." "I am so sorry. But it's absolutely dry under foot. I swear it is!" A pause. Then his voice added: "Since I came in I have refused an invitation to dine out to-night.

And the room was alive with the uproar of Italian voices talking their native language, with the large and unselfconscious gestures of Italian hands, with the movement of Italian heads, with the flash and sparkle of animated Italian eyes. Chianti was being drunk; macaroni, minestra, gnocchi, ravioli, alaione were being eaten; here and there Toscanas were being smoked.

She was a discontented and ailing woman, and the Dixons could not but notice her fragile state. Mrs. Dixon thought her "nobbut a silly sort of body," but would sometimes try to cook what pleased her, or let Anastasia use the kitchen fire for "gnocchi" or "risotto" or other queer messes; which, however, when they appeared, were generally more relished by the master than the mistress.

If you can't be one of the prophets yourself, you can at least abstain from helping to stone them. Dear me! These reflections to-day are anything but post-prandial. The gnocchi and the olives must certainly have disagreed with me. But perhaps it may some of it be "wrote sarcastic." I have heard tell there is a thing called irony.

But she was not buried with the rest. When you come back, you will eat with a double appetite, and I will make gnocchi of polenta for dinner. Do you like gnocchi, Signora? There is much resistance in them." Gloria went with the washerwomen. She was strong and kept pace with them, burdened as they were with their baskets.

A little red wine may be added if you have it, but this is not necessary. Then add four fresh tomatoes, cut into several pieces, the skins removed, and the seeds taken out. If it is too thick after straining, add water or bouillon, and put it back and allow it to boil again a few moments. This sauce can be used for macaroni, gnocchi, left-over meat, egg, etc.