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Well, there's ane thing I'd be glad to hear o' frae your new doctor, an' that is no' to be gliffed by thunner an' lightin'. I was verra nigh struck by a flash when I was a bairn oot fishin' for troots an' I canna get the better o't. ''Tis a lang way off, replied the Minister, rising and looking out o' window; 'weel, it's bedtime, I'm thinkin'. Ye mun juist have a night-cap before retiring.

'It fleys folk fine an' stirs up their conscience graund. I aince thocht I caught a keek o' "Parcy" mysel', but I wasna muckle gliffed, for though I ken fine I'm a sinner, I've naethin' particular on my conscience. 'Mind ye, I dinna ken whether 'twas a wraith I saw or no for I'd been first footin', ye ken, an' maybe I had a wee drappie i' my e'e.

Instantly I was broad awake, and waited in alarmed expectancy. Ha! there it was again the low skreigh o' pain I had heard before. I was 'gliffed' indeed, horribly afeared, yet I must act, so a-tiptoe I stole out, and like a cat stealthily approached 'Brownie's' door.

My mare took fright, and made a great spring forward; I let her go, for I was 'gliffed' myself, and right glad was I to reach the road made by human hands that led homeward, for I feared if I stayed on that I too might meet the wraiths of Claverhouse and Lag hunting the moorlands for blessed Master Peden.

Smothering a smile at his irreverent description of my uncle, I asked my poacher a final question. 'Have you ever seen the ghost of the man or the collie dog they talk about here in the park? 'Not I, said he, fondling the ears of his savage mongrel retriever, 'I reckon they're gliffed o' my aad Tyke.