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But when he had forced his way to the threshold, he found it guarded by two pikemen; and glancing back to see if his movements were observed for he knew that his agitation might have awakened suspicion he found that the taller of the two whom he had left, the black-garbed man with the hungry face, was watching him a-tiptoe, over the shoulders of the crowd.

An' the boys can't be expected to go a-tiptoe and talk prunes an' prisms, all along o' a little yaller-haired kid what's come to brighten up the old camp fer us. That wouldn't be sense! But all we've got to mind is jest this nothin' vile! That's all, boys. We'll worry along without that!" When the Boss spoke, he liked to explain himself rather fully. When he ceased, no one had a word to say.

Squads of mounted police clattered up and down, keeping the middle of the street cleared. Whatever it was that had called forth that incredible mass, was scheduled to proceed uptown from far downtown, and that very soon. Heads were turned that way. Fanny, wedged in the crowd, stood a-tiptoe, but she could see nothing.

Rebecca Mary decided to keep a diary. It was not an inspiration, though it was rather like one in its suddenness. Of course she had always known that Aunt Olivia kept a diary. When she was very small she had stretched a-tiptoe and with little pointing forefinger counted rows and rows of little black books that Aunt Olivia had "kept."

And thus speaking, she tripped, with very much the reputed grace of a fairy, toward the far end of the room, and standing a-tiptoe, groped at the obscure shelves, with a resultant crash of falling china. "Oh, but my lovely cups!" said Cynthia, in dismay. "I had forgotten they were up there: and now I have smashed both of them, in looking for my mirror, sir, and trying to prettify myself for you.

Such a man Stevenson would have delighted to include in his brave roll-call, and of him those final, well-known words in Aes Triplex might have been written: "In the hot-fit of life, a-tiptoe on the highest point of being, he passes at a bound on to the other side.

And a great essayist, in a dozen lines, as clean-cut as the work of a gem engraver, marks the idleness of that fear when above the trembling one are only the gods, he alone, with them alone. The first great man is seeing right, we know. The other may be also seeing right, but few of us are tall enough to see with him, though we stand a-tiptoe.

Butterby and the maids leave the room a-tiptoe, closing the door behind them as if 'twere of gingerbread; and no sooner are they gone than Moll, big with her mad design, nips out of bed, strips off her nightgown, and finding nothing more convenient for her purpose, puts the ham, pasty, and partridges in a clean pillow-slip.

There is a little kind of star that drowns itself by hundreds in the river Thames the many-rayed silver-white seed that makes journeys on all the winds up and down England and across it in the end of summer. It is a most expert traveller, turning a little wheel a-tiptoe wherever the wind lets it rest, and speeding on those pretty points when it is not flying.

"Exactly." "I begged them to walk a-tiptoe, sir." "What?" ejaculated the Prophet. "I informed them there was illness in the house, sir." "And did they er ?" "The male person got on his toes at once, sir, but the female person shrieks out, 'Is it catching? Ho! Think of of Capericornopus, sir, or something to that effect." "Tch! Tch!"