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But he gossiped cheerily, said he was beginning at the foot of the ladder, but expected soon to climb up. That it was Civil Service Reform, and of course he would be promoted soon. "Had Gashwiler procured the appointment?" No.

Those d d printers make such a mess of it; I suppose I don't write a very fine hand." If the gifted Gashwiler had added that he did not write a very intelligent hand, or a very grammatical hand, and that his spelling was faulty, he would have been truthful, although the copy and proof before him might not have borne him out.

Various unclean birds, scenting carrion in Unfinished Business, hovered in the halls or roosted in the Lobby. The lower house, under the tutelage of the gifted Gashwiler, drank deeply of Roscommon and his intoxicating claim, and passed the half-empty bottle to the Senate as Unfinished Business.

He knew he should be walking, but doubted his strength. The little walk to the pool had made him strangely breathless. He wondered how long people were in starving to death. He had read of fasters who went for weeks without food, but he knew he was not of this class. He lacked talent for it. Doubtless another day would finish him. He had no heart now for visions of the Gashwiler table.

Dobbs looked at his patron with a certain wistful, dog-like expectancy, moved himself excitedly on his chair seat in a peculiar canine-like anticipation of gratitude, strongly suggesting that he would have wagged his tail if he had one. At which Mr. Gashwiler became more impressive.

Amos was also changing from his store coat to his street coat and donning his frayed straw hat. "See if you can't keep from actin' crazy while you make them deliveries," said Amos, not uncordially, as he lighted a choice cigar from the box which he kept hidden under a counter. Merton wished to reply: "See here, Mr. Gashwiler, I've stood this abuse long enough!

"Next Sunday I'll saddle you up and ride you round the block see how you like that, young man." "It was our clothesline," said the lady. "I could tell it right off." With a womanish tenacity she had fastened to a minor inconsequence of the outrage. Gashwiler became practical.

Gashwiler to say it was a good thing he'd got that clothesline back, and came her husband wishing to be told what outlandish notion Merton Gill would next get into the thing he called his head. It was the beginning of the end. Followed a week of strained relations with the Gashwiler household, including Dexter, and another week of relations hardly more cordial.

When she returned a little later to look for him he had gone. He went to bed that night when darkness had made this practicable, and under his blankets whiled away a couple of wakeful hours by running tensely dramatic films of breakfast, dinner, and supper at the Gashwiler home. It seemed that you didn't fall asleep so quickly when you had eaten nothing since early morning.

Mebbe you can catch him before he gets out of town." Mrs. Gashwiler descended from the car. "You better have that clothesline back by seven o'clock to-morrow morning," she warned the offender. "Yes, ma'am, I will." This was not spoken in a Buck Benson manner. "And say" Gashwiler paused in turning the car "what you doing in that outlandish rig, anyhow?