United States or Gambia ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

After a day of exhausting mental effort, to return to a dingy, ill-furnished home, to relieve professional labors by calculations about the gas-bill or the butcher's account, I shrink from such a miserable prospect!

"I promise you." "Thank you very much." "If it could be to-morrow, it would suit me. I am not rich, you know, but I have always paid the gas-bill for your experiments." With the paper in his pocket, Saniel returned to Caffie, who was just going out, and to whom he gave it. "I will see about it this, evening," said the man of business. "Just now I am going to dinner. Do not worry.

She had been among the earliest to be aware of the enemy's advent, picking out the strands of fog from the coils of darkness the moment she rolled up her bedroom blind and unveiled the sombre picture of the winter morning. She knew that the fog had come to stay for the day at least, and that the gas-bill for the quarter was going to beat the record in high-jumping.

Meanwhile, there is no doubt whatever that a measure giving both Ireland and Scotland something in the nature of State legislatures would find favor with many English M.P.s, who greatly grudge having the valuable time of the imperial legislature wasted over a gas-bill in Tipperary or a water-works scheme for Dundee. The bank seemed to me to be guarded with extraordinary care.

To be sure, the price was a trifle more than we were paying in our present apartment, and the location was somewhat farther from business; but we said that a few blocks more or less were really nothing when one was once on the car, which was almost as near as at the old place, and we figured that the slight difference in rent we could save in the gas-bill, though I had a lingering suspicion that to strike a general average of light in the two places would be to cast but slight reflection on either.

"I promise you." "Thank you very much." "If it could be to-morrow, it would suit me. I am not rich, you know, but I have always paid the gas-bill for your experiments." With the paper in his pocket, Saniel returned to Caffie, who was just going out, and to whom he gave it. "I will see about it this, evening," said the man of business. "Just now I am going to dinner. Do not worry.

He patted the boy's head and latterly resumed: "I am afraid of you, Anne. Whenever I am imagining vain things or stitching romantic possibilities, like embroideries, about the fabric of my past, I always find the real you in my path, as undeniable as a gas-bill. I don't believe you ever dare to think, because there is no telling what it might lead to.

They had quarrelled for about five minutes over those wretched matches, and then for another ten because he said that women had no sense of humour, and she wanted to know how he knew. After that there had cropped up the last quarter's gas-bill, and that by a process still mysterious to him had led them into the subject of his behaviour on the night of the Hockey Club dance.

Drabdump's next gas-bill when they predicted the weather and made "Snow" the favourite, and said that "Fog" would be nowhere. Fog was everywhere, yet Mrs. Drabdump took no credit to herself for her prescience. Mrs. Drabdump indeed took no credit for anything, paying her way along doggedly, and struggling through life like a wearied swimmer trying to touch the horizon.

"I promise you." "Thank you very much." "If it could be to-morrow, it would suit me. I am not rich, you know, but I have always paid the gas-bill for your experiments." With the paper in his pocket, Saniel returned to Caffie, who was just going out, and to whom he gave it. "I will see about it this, evening," said the man of business. "Just now I am going to dinner. Do not worry.