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Others are new formations, coined in the ever-active mint of uneducated speech, and many of these, coming as they do full of freshness and vigour out of the vivid popular imagination words like harum-scarum, gallivant, cantankerous, and pernickety or useful monosyllables and penny pieces of popular speech like blight and nag and fun have already found their way into standard English.

Gallivant had been on terms of long and ardent intimacy with himself, and the implicit trust he placed in his own words was therefore as surprising as it was beautiful. Mr. Gallivant was born a gentleman and educated a lawyer. He had an office in the Equitable Building, and, during his periods of ill-luck, a large and paying clientage.

"I don't think you have very much money of mine here, Thwicket?" he continued, as he slowly wrote the date-line in the check. "Don't think we have. Robert, what is Mr. Gallivant's balance?" The clerk turned over his ledger and presently replied: "Mr. Gallivant has a credit of $382.22." "I don't think we'll bother with Snapshot Consolidated, Thwicket. Truth is, I'm afraid of it.

Bunting's whispered remark: "When I was a young woman folk didn't gallivant about on Sunday; those who was courting used to go to church together, decent-like " Daisy's eighteenth birthday dawned uneventfully. Her father gave her what he had always promised she should have on her eighteenth birthday a watch.

They were distinctly less playful than they had been, and by degrees they became positively stiff. In the mean time, Mr. Gallivant had returned to his law office.

Billy agreed promptly, and declared herself as more than willing to put up with such an arrangement. Bertram, it is true, when he heard of the plan, rebelled, and asserted that what Billy needed was a rest, an entire rest from care and labor. In fact, what he wanted her to do, he said, was to gallivant to gallivant all day long. "Nonsense!" Billy had laughed, coloring to the tips of her ears.

"I have asked Mr. Fitzgerald to spend a week with us." "Thank you, father. It was thoughtful of you. If you had not asked him, the pleasure of doing so would have been mine. Mrs. Coldfield pointed you out to me as a most ungrateful fellow, because you never called on your father's or mother's friends any more, but preferred to gallivant round the world. You will stay?

For it was only when luck was against him that he consented to practice at his profession. When it was known that he was in distressed circumstances, clients flocked to him in large numbers. Other less eloquent attorneys retained him to try their cases for them. He had business in plenty. But when fortune favored him, Mr. Gallivant didn't bother with musty old law books. Not much.

"Oh, no," said Gallivant, responsively, "I haven't been doing business with anybody else. Fact is, old fellow, I think I've got a bit flustered. I don't seem able to get the hang of the market. Gad, I've lost a whole fortune since September must have lost every dollar of a hundred thousand. Now I can't go on like that forever, you know.

What I want to know is this: Is it your duty to gallivant about town? or is your place at this hour beside your wife?" "Here, señor." The old man rose, and, seizing the bride-groom by the shoulders, shook him until his teeth clattered together. "Then see that you stay here with her hereafter, or you shall no longer be a married man." And he stamped out and slammed the door behind him.