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She paused a few moments in the vestibule to regain her breath, to gather together all her courage, to compose her mind; she had at once divined that there was some one in the salon. She entered; Mlle. Galet was not there, but he was there, the man whom she had come to seek. Apparently, he awaited the awakening of the mistress of the place.

"This appears to me self-evident," said she. "And, for example," further continued M. Moriaz, "she has among her proteges a certain Mlle. Galard " "Galet," said Mlle. Moiseney, bridling up, for she had been impatiently awaiting an opportunity to put in a word. "This Mlle. Leontine Galet, who lives at No. 25 Rue Mouffetard " "No. 27," again interposed Mlle. Moiseney, in a magisterial tone.

On the sixteenth day of August, at three o'clock in the morning, the forces marched from Cherbourg down to the beach, and re-embarked at fort Galet, without the least disturbance from the enemy. This service being happily performed, the fleet set sail for the coast of England, and anchored in the road of Weymouth, under the high land of Portland.

You are my angel and my sunshine, and I am your very humble and devoted servant, This letter of Mlle. Louise Galet continued nothing definite, beyond, perhaps, the passage relative to the early vegetables, and the supposed scenes with her chambriere.

She crossed her arms, she smiled, and, in a firm, half-mocking tone, said: "So this is the way you rob me of my poor people! They flourish under it, I am well aware. Confess now that there is a little hypocrisy in your virtue. Mlle. Galet never for a moment doubted that these famous camellias were given for my sake. Bouquets costing sixty francs! absolute folly! How you despise money!

"As usual, you are sure of it, perfectly sure. Very good! This Mlle. Galard or Galet, residing at No. 25 or No. 27 Rue Mouffetard, was formerly a florist by trade, and now she has not a sou. I do not wish to fathom the mysteries of her past it is very apt to be 'lightly come, lightly go' with the money of these people but certain it is that Mlle. Galard " "Galet," put in Mlle. Moiseney, sharply.

This letter, which a kind Providence had sent her as a supreme resource in her distress, was from the hand of Mlle. Galet, and here was what this retired florist of the Rue Mouffetard wrote: "MA CHERE DEMOISELLE: I learn that you have returned. What happiness for me! and how I long to see you!

She slowly mounted the stairs; on her way up she encountered a servant, who informed her that Mlle. Galet was lying down taking a nap, being somewhat indisposed, but that the key was in the door. The apartment of which Mlle. Moriaz was in quest was composed of three rooms, a vestibule serving as a kitchen, a tiny salon, and a bed-chamber.

I rather believe that your father is a cruel egotist, that he shamefully sacrificed you to his own convenience in prolonging his cure; but here you are I will pardon him. Your poor, your proteges, are clamorous for you. Who do you think asked after you, the other day? Mlle. Galet, whom, according to your orders, I supplied with her quarter's allowance. How you spoil her!

The British forces marching behind St. Aulne, Ecoeurdeville, Hommet, and La Galet, found the town of Cherbourg likewise abandoned, and the gates being open, entered it without opposition.