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"I am afraid I will have a hard time living up to Captain Fronte's standard," laughed Bill, as he adjusted his bandages. "Well, thin, Oi'll tell yez th' fir-rst thing Captain Fronte'd done phwin his two feet hit th' flure: he'd roar fer a dhrink av good liquor.

Phwat is yer name?" His voice quavered, and the little eyes glittered between the red-rimmed lids, bright as an eagle's. The younger man was astonished at his excitement. "Why, Bill," he replied. "Bill or Moike or Pat wurrah! Oi mane yer rale name th' whole av ut?" "That I have not told. I am called Bill." "Lord av hiven! I thocht ut th' fir-rst toime Oi seen ye but now! Man! B'y.

"If any mean thief anybody stole that record, there could be only one one motive for it, my father-r says curiosity; to be the fir-rst to see that very first record man has ever got from so high up high up in the earth's thin atmosphere, where the air ends and space begins!"

Bill stared at the man wide-eyed. "Fronte McKim?" he cried. "Aye, Fronte McKim! As sh'u'd 'a' been gineral av all Oirland, England, an' Injia. Av he'd 'a' been let go he'd licked th' naygers fir-rst an' diplomated phwat was lift av um. He'd made um shwim off th' field to kape from dhroundin' in their own blood an' kep' 'em good aftherward wid th' buckle ind av a surcingle.

"What does it matter, sister?" he said cheerfully. "Yesterday is gone and to-day is a new day. Also there is to-morrow" his Irish eyes twinkled "and a fine day it will be by the sunset." Then he turned to his small army. "Boys," he said, "it's a poor leader who is afraid to take chances with his men. I'm going first" he said fir-rst.

Thin of a suddint, loike it had shtung him, he yills out, 'God 'a' mercy! flings down th' glass, which smashes all over th' floor, lowers his head an' plunges loike a football tackle, head fir-rst, roight into th' sharp edge o' that locker there where ye see th' blood an' hairs stickin'. Down he wint, loike he's hit wid an axe, wid his skull broke in siv'ral pieces no doubt.

He found his companions lying where he had left them. Certain unmistakable signs of life among the trees over the grade they had heard, but that was all. Murphy was growling into the loose sand beneath his chin. "Mother o' Mike! Why don't ye rush thim? There's bunches jist over there. Fir-rst thing ye know they'll get away. A good scr-rap going to waste, it is.

Wid thim eyes an' that shmile on yer face, d'ye think ye c'd fool owld Daddy Dunnigan, that was fir-rst corp'l t'rough two campaigns an' a scourge av peace f'r Captain Fronte McKim?