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"Of course," she said in conclusion, "I now understand that the entire matter will get into the papers. It is too late to prevent that. But it is not too late for you to fix the guilt where it belongs. And I have every confidence that you will do it. If I had not," and her voice quavered pitifully, "I don't know what I should do." "I will do what I can.

Motionless and mute they stared into each other's eyes. At last the girl quavered, "We better we better go and lock it." The mother nodded. Hanging arm in arm they stole across the floor toward the head of the stairs. A board of the floor creaked. They halted and exchanged a look of dumb agony. At last they reached the head of the stairs.

A hand began to grope for the matches. "Is any one there?" said a drowsy woman's voice. "Good-evening!" he cried again, and went forward into the room. "It's Pelle!" He brought out the name in a singsong voice. "So it's you, boy!" Lasse's voice quavered, and the hands could not manage the matches; but Pelle stepped toward the voice and clasped his wrist.

They are shaving and borrowing clean shirts for the occasion. The Minister of Justice has a brand-new pair of tan shoes and he has promised to wear them, come rain or shine." "NORINE! Oh, my dear " quavered the sick man. "I can't let you do this mad thing. Think! I'm ready for the grave " "This will make you well. We're going away when the very next expedition arrives."

I trust that women may not be allowed a title to all the curiosity in the world. Uncle Abner was the Complete History of Montopolis, bound in butternut. "O'Bader," he quavered, "come here in '69. He was the first shoemaker in the place. Folks generally considers him crazy at times now. But he don't harm nobody. I s'pose drinkin' upset his mind yes, drinkin' very likely done it.

"Come here to me," was Shorty's greeting. "Come across. Fork over. Cough up." "I don't understand," Wentworth quavered, shivering from recollection of the two beatings, hand and foot, he had already received from Shorty. "That thousand dollars, d' ye understand that? That thousand dollars gold Smoke bought that measly potato with. Come through." And Amos Wentworth passed the gold-sack over.

"It was I," Judge Marshall's fair-haired, blue-eyed little bride volunteered in a voice that threatened to rise to hysteria. "Tell me all about it," Dundee urged gently. "Yes, sir," she quavered, while her husband's arm encircled her shoulders in courtly fashion. "As Tracey told you, Nita was dummy, and I was declarer that is, I got the bid, and played the hand.

"Oh, oh," she quavered, "the servants' bell rang and I answered it, like I'd been told to do and in stepped four men two of them the policemen we let in last night, and two men I never saw before and they asked if they might speak to my brother who was visiting me. And I I promised to call him down. Oh, ma' Angelica " "Mr. Pyecroft, what does this mean?" cried Mrs. De Peyster. Mr.

'twere Old Nick as done it 'twere the devil as done it, weren't it ? oh! say 'twere the devil, Peter." And, seeing that hoary head all a-twitch with eagerness as he waited my answer, how could I do other than nod? "Yes, it was the devil, Ancient." The old man subsided into his chair; embracing himself exultantly. "I knowed it! I knowed it!" he quavered.

At this Theophilus gave the reins to his wrath; he snatched a little crucifix from the wall above his episcopal throne, and broke it in fragments, exclaiming in deep tones that quavered with wrath: "And which do you regard as the greater: The only-begotten Son of God, or that helpless image?" And he flung the pieces of the broken crucifix down on the table round which they were sitting.