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One of the arms, in all the cases which have been here mentioned, has been the part in which these symptoms have been first noticed; the legs, head, and trunk have then become gradually affected, and lastly, the muscles of the mouth and fauces have yielded to the morbid influence.

By the elevation of the back of the tongue and the lowering of the soft palate as when one speaks nasally, the mouth proper is largely shut off from the nasal chambers, so that the breath must be directed through the nose. "Cleft palate" also connects undesirably the mouth and nasal chambers. The tonsils lie between two folds, the pillars of the fauces, connected with the soft palate.

As explained in Section XIX. 6. Hence by our attention to the fauces from our desire not to swallow our saliva; the fauces become more sensible; and the stimulus of the saliva is followed by greater sensation, and consequent desire of swallowing it. So that the desire or volition in consequence of the increased sensation of the saliva is more powerful, than the previous desire not to swallow it.

It has been principally celebrated as a vulnerary, whence its name; and in gargarisms for aphthae and inflammations of the fauces. PULMONARIA officinalis. SPOTTED LUNGWORT. The Leaves. They stand recommended against ulcers of the lungs, phthisis, and other like disorders. Lewis's Mat. Med. RANUNCULUS Ficaria. PILEWORT. The Leaves and Root.

When this happens, the resonance of the head cavities is diminished, that of the palate increased; for the soft palate sinks, and the pillars of the fauces are raised more and more. Yet the head tone must not be entirely free from palatal resonance.

Children begin to chew betel very young, and yet their teeth are always beautifully white till pains are taken to disfigure them by filing and staining them black. To persons who are not habituated to the composition it causes a strong giddiness, astringes and excoriates the tongue and fauces, and deadens for a time the faculty of taste.

Hashimoto, Surgeon-General of the Imperial Japanese Army, tells of a woman of forty-nine who was in the habit of inducing vomiting by irritating her fauces and pharynx with a Japanese toothbrush a wooden instrument six or seven inches long with bristles at one end. In May, 1872, she accidentally swallowed this brush.

She now asked for a spoon, and, having roused Tommy from a kind of stupor, she inserted the handle as she had seen physicians do, and at length succeeded in pressing down the tongue so as to discover what she took to be diphtheria patches on the fauces. "Mrs. Martin, I am sure this is diphtheria. You must get a doctor right away." "I'll attend to that," said Mr.

The fauces and tongue were black, and as if suffused with blood; no beverage could assuage their burning thirst, so that their sufferings continued without alleviation until terminated by death, which many in their despair accelerated with their own hands.

In the tetrastyle, the girders are supported at the angles by columns, an arrangement which relieves and strengthens the girders; for thus they have themselves no great span to support, and they are not loaded down by the crossbeams. Illustrating the Tuscan Atrium Fauces 2, 3. Shops 4. Storage 5. Atrium 6. Chambers 7. Tablinum 8. Alae 9, 10. Dining rooms 13. Kitchen, a, hearth 14.