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Nous sommes tous heureux d'avoir le costume des Anglais Seul'ment ce qu'il fallait, Pour que ça soit complet. Et je suis certain si l'armée veut nous mettre

On being told, as she gazed upon the intrepid self-exposure of Taglioni, "qu'il fallait être sage pour danser comme ça," Miss S. observes, that it requires to be more or less than woman, and proposes to divide the human species into men, women, and OPERA-DANCERS, little suspecting that half her readers translate such a classification into "men, women, and ANGELS;" or that they would see herself and her sister moralist go down in the President without a pang, provided Elssler and Taglioni were saved from the deep!

I would give you many thanks not to fight him before the finishing touch has been given to that grand work." "To the deuce with your Zosimus," said M. d'Anquetil. "To the deuce with him! Do you hear, abbe! I'll send him to the deuce, as a king would do with his first mistress." And he sang: "Pour dresser un jeune courrier Et l'affermir sur l'etrier Il lui fallait une routiere Laire lan laire."

I don't know how much the others know, but I know nothing except what I've read; so, unless I ask questions, how am I to learn?" MLLE. DE MENNECY: "Je ne vous ai jamais defendu de me questionner; vous n'ecoutez pas, mademoiselle. J'ai dit qu'il ne fallait pas discuter avec moi."

The jade! she knew her business well, She made each hour a heaven or hell, For she could coax and rally; She was SO loving, frank and kind, That no suspicion crost my mind That I was her pis-aller. My brother says "I told you so! Her conduct was not comme il faut, But strictly comme il fallait; She swore that she was fond and true; No doubt she was, poor girl, but you Were only her pis-aller."

"S'il est permis" says Delacroix, speaking of his Sardanapalus, "de comparer les petites choses aux grandes, ce fut mon Waterloo. Je devenais l'abomination de la peinture; il fallait me refuser l'eau et le sel." "If you wish to share the favors of the government," said an official to another artist, "you must change your manner."

Nos parents se faisaient un plaisir de l'observer parfois quand elle ne s'endouta pas, se disant: "Voila ce qu'il fallait a notre vieille Catherine, ce sont les enfants qui lui ont porte l'oubli." Mais cela ne devait pas durer bien longtemps.

Il fallait un calculateur, ce fut un danseur qui l'obtint, is hardly more of a caricature than in the days of Figaro; and the minister doubtless thinks himself not only blameless, but meritorious, if the man dances well.

Il savait être aimable quand il le fallait, et voici son procédé pour se faire bien venir des personnes qu'il ne reconnaissait pas, mais qui le connaissaient,

"Si Cesar m'avait donne La gloire et la guerre, Et qu'il me fallait quitter L'amour de ma mere, Je dirais au grand Cesar: Reprends ton sceptre et ton char, J'aime mieux ma mere, o gue! J'aime mieux ma mere!" The wild and tender accents with which Combeferre sang communicated to this couplet a sort of strange grandeur.