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But out of the muck-heap I picked five pearls four sibilant nouns and a name that I knew before. The name, also sibilant and thus easier to hear, was 'Esens'. Two or three times I had to stand back and ease my cramped neck, and on each occasion I looked at my watch, for I was listening against time, just as we had rowed against time.

Troops could be quickly sent to any threatened point. Esens the base? It is in top centre of loop. Von Brooning dished us fairly over that at Bensersiel. Chatham D. was spying after our naval plans for war with Germany. Von Brooning runs naval part over here. Where does Burmer come in? Querry you go to Breman and find out about him?

I should have fled at the sight of him had I had the chance, but I was attended to first by a slatternly girl who, I am sure, called him up to view me. To explain my muddy boots and trousers I said I had walked from Esens, and from that I found myself involved in a tangle of impromptu lies.

Ay, and I do not know but that Imagination was already beginning to unstiffen and flutter those nerveless wings. 27 The Luck of the Stowaway AT Esens Station I reversed my Norden tactics, jumped out smartly, and got to the door of egress first of all, gave up my ticket, and hung about the gate of the station under cover of darkness.

Esens was another clue, and 'to follow Burmer' there was something in that notion. But I wanted time, and had I time? How long could Davies maintain himself at Norderney? Not so very long, from what I remembered of last night. And was he even safe there?

Below us lay the sands on one side and rank fens on the other, interspersed with squares of pasture ringed in with ditches. After half a mile we dropped down and came back by a short circuit inland, following a mazy path which was mostly right angles and minute plank bridges, till we came to the Esens road. We crossed this and soon after found our way barred by the stream I spoke of.

Norden was still the objective, but mainly as a railway junction, only remotely as a seaport. Though the possible rendezvous were eight, the possible stations were reduced to five Norden, Hage, Dornum, Esens, Wittmund all on one single line.

'We have got two valuable clues, I went on; 'that rendezvous on the 25th is one, and the name Esens is the other. We may consider them to eternity; I vote we act on them. 'How? said Davies. 'We're under a searchlight here; and if we're caught 'Your plan ugh! it's as risky as mine, and more so, I replied, rising with a jerk, for a spasm of cramp took me.

On the mainland, which was barely visible, there was one very prominent landmark, a spire, which from the chart we took to be that of Esens, a town four miles inland. 'The days are growing short. Sunset is soon after five, and an hour later it is too dark to see booms and buoys distinctly. The tides also are awkward just now.

'That's settled, then! A dogcart was standing before the inn door in readiness for von Brüning. I was curious about Esens and his business there. Esens, he said, was the principal town of the district, four miles inland. 'I have to go there, he volunteered, 'about a poaching case a Dutchman trawling inside our limits. That's my work, you know police duty. Had the words a deeper meaning?