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When increasingly larger enemas are administered until the colon is nearly emptied of fecal matter and the injection of close to a gallon of water is achieved, beneficial exercise and an increase in overall muscle tone are the results. This long tubular muscle is repeatedly and completely filled with water, inducing it to vigorously exercise while evacuating itself multiple times.

While ordinarily we do not favor the giving of injections or enemas unless they are absolutely necessary, we apply them freely in feverish diseases in order to remove from the rectum and lower colon any accumulations of morbid matter, and thus to prevent their reabsorption into the system.

A colonic machine in the hands of an expert operator can administer the equivalent of six or seven big enemas in less than one hour, and do this without undue discomfort or effort from the person receiving the colonic. However, the AMA has suppressed the use of colonics; they are illegal to administer in many states.

THE DUMMYMUMMY: Bbbbblllllblblblblobschbg! I have... BLOOM: Done. Prff! We are stonecold and pure. We eat electric light. Heard from behind. How then could you...? Enemas too I have administered. One third of a pint of quassia to which add a tablespoonful of rocksalt. Up the fundament. With Hamilton Long's syringe, the ladies' friend. THE NYMPH: In my presence. The powderpuff. Peccavi!

Six hours afterwards I again went: no faeces had passed: I administered two enemas, the second of which was returned with a small quantity of hardened faeces and an intolerable smell. I ordered the water to be removed, and broth to be substituted. Sept. 4.

Fasters cleansing on juice or raw food should administer two or three enemas in short succession every day for the first three days to get a good start on the cleansing process, and then every other day or at very minimum, every few days. Enemas or colonics should also be taken whenever symptoms become uncomfortable, regardless of whether you have already cleaned the colon that day or not.

They had to be taken off water fasting immediately and recovered their mental clarity in a few days. The loss of blood electrolytes happened because during colonics there occurs a sort of low-grade very slow reverse osmosis. Curing With Enemas It is not wise to continue regular colonics or enemas once a detoxification program has been completed and you have returned to a maintenance diet.

Jim immediately went on a raw food cleansing diet, with no concentrated foods like nuts, seeds, or avocados, and with one day each week fasting on vegetable juice and broth. He did enemas daily even though it wasn't his favorite thing. In one month he had lost 30 pounds, his eyes had started to sparkle, and his complexion was rosy.

I have even had clients tell me that they have a bowel movement once a week, and they are quite certain that they are not constipated. The most surprising thing to novice fasters is that repeated enemas or colonics during fasting begins to release many pounds of undeniably real, old, caked fecal matter and/or huge mucus strings. The first-time faster can hardly believe these were present.

Other laxatives are: a seidlitz powder dissolved in a glass of cold water on rising; a wineglass or more of Hunyadi Janos, also taken on rising. Any of these may be taken with safety by pregnant women. For children the simplest laxative is one teaspoonful of Husband's milk of magnesia, to be taken in one glass of water on rising. Enemas.