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"Well," says I, "where's your riot?" "S-s-s-sh!" says he. "They're up to some mischief. One of them is hiding something under her shawl. Watch." Sure enough, the skinny one did have her left elbow stuck out, and there was a bulge in the shawl. "Looks like a case of emptyin' the ashes," says I. "Or of placing a bomb," whispers the Lieutenant. "Mooshwaw!" says I. "Bomb your aunt!

"Drummond started the dirty work. We can show him a dozen tricks to offset emptyin' our tank. Better tell him not to do anythin' more. We'll stop his clock if he does." "You'll do it fairly, then, or you'll not drive teams for me," Jo emphatically told them. Their silence disturbed her. They knew that she could not do without them.

When shall I take charge of things, to-morrow?" "As you say," said Myrtella meekly; then with a sudden flare, "though it does look like I might be trusted one more day to finish up the general cleaning and git after the ashman for not emptyin' them barrels." "Friday, then?"

He makes a desp'rate duck and tries to butt me; but I catches his head under my arm and down he goes on the rug. I'd just yanked the squirt gun out of his hand and was emptyin' it down the back of his neck, with him hollerin' blue murder, and Aunty strugglin' to get loose, when the front door opens and in walks a couple of ladies, one old and the other young.

"Do your directions start from that p'int?" "Yes." "Then we'll have to find the right emptyin' place, that's all. My advice is to start fer the spot to-morrow early." So it was arranged, and Dick called Tom and Sam down to the barn to talk it over. It was late in the afternoon, and all worked until after the supper hour in preparing for the start.

We don't want any more swaggerin' galoots ridin' up to this grocery and emptyin' their six-shooters in the air afore they 'light. We want to put a stop to it peacefully and without a row and we kin. We ain't got no bullies of our own to fight back, and they know it, so they know they won't get no credit bullyin' us; they'll leave, if we're only firm.

If I meets a gent evolvin' outcries of glee, an' walkin' on both sides of the street, an' most likely emptyin' a Colt's pistol at the firmament, an' all without obv'ous cause, I dedooces the presence in that gent's interior of a lib'ral freight of nose-paint. If, as I'm proceedin' about my destinies, I hears the voice of a gun, I argues the existence of a weepon in my vicinity.

So he intimated to the meenester his suspicions of grievous laxity amang the female flock, and of the necessity of a special sermon on the Seventh Command. The puir man consented although he dinna ken why and wherefore and preached a gran' sermon! Ay, man! it was crammed wi' denunciation and an emptyin' o' the vials o' wrath!