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The coffer containing the Holy Oils was likewise there, a very ancient silver coffer bearing the Boccanera arms. And on Don Vigilio following the Cardinal back into the bed-room they in turn pronounced the Latin words: "Pax huic domui." "Et omnibus habitantibus in ea."* * "Peace unto this house and unto all who dwell in it." Trans.

Behind him walked the Abbe Cornille, like a simple clerk, carrying in one hand a crucifix, and under the other a book of ritual service. Standing for a moment upon the threshold, the bishop said in a deep, grave voice: "Pax huic domui." "Et omnibus habitantibus in ea," replied the priest in a lower tone.

In the beautiful language of the age, he had been taught that "Peace is the language of heaven, for Christ, who came from heaven, spoke that language, saying, 'Pax vobis! It is the language of Angels, who cried, exulting, 'In terra pax! It is the language of the Apostles, who thus greeted every house they entered: 'Pax huic domui'" Were the hasty and unscrupulous penmen of our generation to draw their information from the writings of the Saints, instead of from martial legends or miserable perversions even of these, they would find the spirit of the Ages of Faith eminently pacific, and could be induced so to represent it.

Soon we heard the tinkling of the little bell, saw the cross coming in, carried by a child, and the priest clad in white carrying the holy vessels. Jahel, M. d'Anquetil, Madame Coquebert and I fell on our knees. "Pax huic domui," said the priest. "Et omnibus habiantibus in en," replied the servitor. Then the vicar took holy water and sprayed it over the patient and the bed.

The coffer containing the Holy Oils was likewise there, a very ancient silver coffer bearing the Boccanera arms. And on Don Vigilio following the Cardinal back into the bed-room they in turn pronounced the Latin words: "/Pax huic domui/." "/Et omnibus habitantibus in ea/."* * "Peace unto this house and unto all who dwell in it." Trans.

Whilst in the Sacristy Monseigneur took the sacred oils from the hands of the Abbe Cornille. He accompanied them, almost staggering; he did not dare to enter into the chamber, but fell upon his knees at the threshold of the door, which was open wide. The voice of the Bishop was firm, as he said: "Pax huic domui." "Et omnibus habitantibus in ea," the priest replied.

"Pax huic domui, et omnibus habitantibus in ea" "Peace to this house, and all that dwell therein," uttered the priest of God, as he opened the latchless door of the room on the third story of the old "Oil Mill House," where the patient was extended on her "pallet of straw." For a moment he stood on the threshold, for within an unusual and solemn sight presented itself to his view.

The coffer containing the Holy Oils was likewise there, a very ancient silver coffer bearing the Boccanera arms. And on Don Vigilio following the Cardinal back into the bed-room they in turn pronounced the Latin words: "Pax huic domui." "Et omnibus habitantibus in ea."* * "Peace unto this house and unto all who dwell in it." Trans.

If that is so, join a party like that and live carefully. Good-bye. Your mother sends her love. Your affectionate father, John Amorbach. Bruno, satis admirari non possum quid agas vt tot pecunias consumas. Consumimus omnes de capitali. Habeo prouidere domui meae. No answer came back, and on 18 August John Amorbach wrote again.