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Now 'tis all to do again, an' he hides his face in his hands. "'So that's it, I sez, shakin' him again. 'That's th manin' av your disobeyin' ordhers. "'I dare not kill meself, he sez, rockin' to and fro. 'My own hand wud not let me die, and there's not a bullet this month past wud touch me. I'm to die slow, he sez. 'I'm to die slow. But I'm in hell now, he sez, shriekin' like a woman.

"To obey his frien' he foregoes the pleasure o' disobeyin' his father," he muttered. "Noble!" Then he turned homeward, and the boy followed in his footsteps. James Moore and the gray dog stood looking after them. "I know yo'll not pay off yer spite agin me on the lad's head, M'Adam," he called, almost appealingly.

I've tried my hand at disobeyin' his orders, and don't do it again, not if I knows it." The expressions of anger hitherto portrayed on the countenances of the Arabs had given place to those of anxiety. They knew that an enemy was hovering around them, an enemy whom they had wronged, whose power they had undervalued, and whom they had foolishly restored to liberty.

You ain't northin' else, when it comes to law. I'm a hard man when I'm madded, Crymble, and if I start in to keelhaul you for disobeyin' orders you'll " The Cap'n did not complete the sentence, but he bent such a look on the man in the chair that he trembled through all his frail length. "I wisht I could have stayed dead," whimpered Mr. Crymble, thoroughly spirit-broken.

"Not satisfied with disobeyin' an' defyin' me, you've put me to shame, an' now you'll be settin' the neighbors ag'in' me an' ruinin' my trade. If you was freezin' in the snow I wouldn't heave a blanket to you! If you was starvin' I wouldn't fling either of you a crust!

"Well, take her!" diplomatically answered his sister. "I can get Abe's niece over to East Donegal fur one-seventy-five. She'd be glad to come!" Mr. Getz at this drew in his sails a bit. "I'll give her one more chancet," he compromised. "But I ain't givin' her no second chancet if she does somepin again where she ain't got darst to do. Next time I hear of her disobeyin' me, home she comes.

"Doan yoh go foh to thank me, Massa Dick," he crooned, patting the Colonel's hand with reverent devotion; "I ain't wuth it. All I needs, sah, is jus' a good kick for disobeyin' orders. 'Spects I doan understan' it all, but I does know, sah, dat de lady wid de gray eyes whut's at Major Verney's is is a good fairy, sah. An', Colonel, de Christmas supper am ready."

"Jake, you said nothin' had come off." "Wal, nawthin' has around here. Come on now, boss. Miss Lenore says I was to keep my mouth shut." "Jake, who's your boss? Me or Lenore?" "Wal, you air. But I ain't disobeyin' Miss Lenore." Anderson walked the rest of the way up the shady path to the house without saying any more to Jake.