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She rushed breathlessly into Val's room and caught her by the arm. "Now's your chancet, Val," she hissed in a loud whisper. "Man jest now rode into town; he's over in Pop's place I seen him go in. He's good for the day, sure. I'll have Hank hitch right up, an' you can go down to the stable and start from there, so'st he won't see you.

If I ever happen to run acrost this here David Armstrong, and he is anywheres near my size, I'll lick him fur you. And if he's too hefty fur me to lick him fair," I says, "and I get a good chancet I will hit him with a piece of railroad iron fur you." Of course, I knowed I would never find him. But what I said seemed to brighten her up a little.

But shucks! it never made no difference what you won in that crowd. They had done Doctor Kirby and Looey like they always done a drummer or a stranger that come along to that town and was fool enough to play poker with them. They wasn't a chancet fur an outsider. If the drummer lost, they would take his money and that would be all they was to it.

Colonel Tom what kind of a life he had lived, and how he had married and his wife had died and left him a widower without any kids. And the doctor it was always hard fur me to get to calling him anything but Doctor Kirby how he had happened to start out with a good chancet in life and turn into jest a travelling fakir.

"They's no manner o' doubt but you're taking a big chancet, son," he drawled to himself after the manner of an old range-rider he knew. "But we sure gotta take a long shot and gamble with the lid off. Any man who stops S. Yeager to-night is liable to find him a bad hombre. So-long, general." He opened the door and stepped out. His heart was jumping queerly.

Arline was compelled to gulp twice before she could say even that much. "I don't shine nowhere inside er out. I know that well enough. I never had no chancet to shine. It's always been wore off with hard knocks. But I like shiny folks all right when they're fine clear through, and " "Arline dear, I do love you. I always shall. Arline loosened her clasp and jumped up precipitately.

"I dunno how you'll ever git a chancet to wear 'em out in this country seems to me they're most too pretty to wear, anyhow, I can git Marthy Winters to come over and help you she does sewin' and you can use my machine any time you want to. I'd take a hold myself if I didn't have all the baking to do for the dance. That Min can't learn nothing, seems like.

I hadn't never wanted to go till lately, but he'd of lammed me if I had of wanted to. He always said he would. And now I was too big and knowed it. Well, Hank, he never give me no money, so I watches my chancet that afternoon and slips in under the tent the same as always. And I lays low under them green benches and wiggled through when I seen a good chancet. The first person I seen was Hank.

They has looked at the bill closet, and seen they is sold, and is taking it good-natured. And still shouting and laughing most of them begins to start along off. And I thought all chancet of trouble was over with. But it wasn't. Fur they is always a natcheral born kicker everywhere, and they was one here, too.

And they wasn't no chancet to get that with all these here trusts around gobbling up everything and stomping the poor man into the dirt, and they was lots of times he wisht he was a Injun sure enough, and not jest a medical one, fur then he'd be a free man and the bosses and the trusts and the railroads and the robber tariff couldn't touch him.