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A boy of fifteen was reproved for holding his ear to the keyhole of a room in which his mother and sisters were having an animated discussion. The appellation "eavesdropper" did not disconcert him in the least. On the contrary, he undertook to justify his conduct on the ground that he was being discussed, and as he had no "dictagraph" he was obliged to do the listening in person.

He whipped the dictagraph receiver off his head and jumped to his feet, hiding all traces of the dictagraph in the desk drawer. Then he moved over to the door, unlocked it, and flung it open. "Oh, I hope I haven't interrupted you in any important experiment," apologized Zita, innocently enough. "Nothing important," camouflaged Locke.

Locke, will you be so kind as to get them?" Locke immediately left the room and descended to the Graveyard of Genius for the two models. In the laboratory above were Balcom and Zita, for she had told him of her discovery of the dictagraph. Balcom had the headpiece firmly clamped over his head and was drinking in the purport of the conversation down in the library.

"Either he misunderstood me or he's distorting the facts," claimed the clubman with an assumption of boldness. "That ought to be easy to prove. We'll make an appointment with him for this afternoon and check up by the dictagraph." Bromfield laughed uneasily. "Is that necessary, Mr. Whitford? Surely my word is good. I have the honor to tell you that I did nothing discreditable."

The evidence of the detectives, corroborated by the evidence of a hall-boy and a janitor and by proof of the installation of the dictagraph, seemed conclusive to Mr. Firth. Cheever denied that he had committed the alleged adultery and gave proof that his income was not as stated. Attorney Tessier evaded the evidence of adultery, but fought hard against the evidence of prosperity.

It can't be done, for he loves the other woman." "Don't use the beautiful word love for such a debasing impulse." "But I know he loves her!" "How could you know?" "I heard him tell her." "You heard him! Do you ask me to believe that he told her that in your presence?" "I heard him on the dictagraph." "You have been collecting evidence for divorce, then?"

However, he readily consented to an interview and waited with some impatience for the quarter of an hour to go by that was necessary to cover the distance. He gave orders to have Spears brought in as soon as he arrived. When Spears came he told the story with hesitation and embarrassment. He had a dictagraph in his office and asked for the record.

I'll think it over for a few months. It's bad weather for divorces now, anyway." Cheever's heart churned in his breast. He knew that Zada could not afford to wait. He should have married her long ago, and there was no time to spare now. Charity's indifference frightened him. He did not dream that through the dictagraph Charity had shared with him Zada's annunciation of her approaching motherhood.

She could not bring herself at first to tell him what she knew of Zada, but at length she confessed that she had listened to the dictagraph and had heard that Zada was to be a mother. Dyckman was dumfounded; then he snarled: "Thank God it's not you that's going to be for him Well, don't you call that divorce enough?

There is no fire escape from the floor above for some reason. He will suspect all the less, then, for he would not think of anyone coming through the headquarters on the floor below. I will go down hand over hand, you shove the wire under the door to me, and I'll attach it. Then I'll go up the ladder, and we'll let the dictagraph do its work." Thus it was accomplished.