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In desperation I left a message for him with the hall-boy in case he called up, jumped into a cab, and rode over to the laboratory, hoping that some of the care-takers might still be about and might know something of his whereabouts.

So we contented ourselves after that with merely inquiring the size and price of the apartment of the hall-boy, and passing on.

It is ever the mere stupid obstacle of matter that weights down the wings of the soul and prevents it from soaring upward to the sun. When at last he had reached the house, he learned from the hall-boy that Clarke had gone out. Ruffled in temper he entered his rooms and went over his mail. There were letters from editors with commissions that he could not afford to reject.

Hickey, ostentatiously ignoring the existence of the policeman, returned to his post of observation. At eight o'clock he was still there, looking bored. At eight-thirty he was still there, wearing a puzzled expression. At nine he called the adoring hall-boy, gave him a quarter with minute instructions, and saw him disappear into the hallway of Number 205.

"I had got down to the last step, and I was putting my foot to the pavement, and I thought, Now I am going to turn my ankle. Wasn't it strange? And I turned it. How did you get me upstairs?" "The janitor carried you." "How lucky he happened to be there! I suppose the hall-boy kept me from falling poor little fellow! You must give him some money. How did you find out about me?"

I remember that when we were looking for a flat you rejected every building that had a bell-ratchet or a speaking-tube, and would have nothing to do with any that had more than an electric button; you wanted a hall-boy, with electric buttons all over him. I don't blame you. I find such things quite as necessary as you do."

Isaac D. Worthington and Mr. Alexander Duncan. Both of these gentlemen laughed heartily, for the Honorable Heth Sutton knew the art of telling a story well, at least, and was often to be seen with a group around him in the lobbies of Congress. Beard, had sent him. There was a knock at the door, and Cynthia opened it to discover a colored hall-boy with a roll in his hand.

Is there anything I can do for you on the way?" "I'll have to send father a message about my staying here. If you would stop at a telegraph-office " "Oh, that's all right," broke in Edna. "There's a call-box down-stairs. I'll have the hall-boy attend to it. You mustn't lose a minute, Tom." Miss Hill sped him on his way by going with him to the elevator.

As she stamped her small feet, longing to accelerate the languid movements of the hall-boy with a humanely-wielded hatpin, a whisper in the velvet voice she knew stole across the distance. "Hannah. Is it you?" "It's me, Biddy dear." There was a soft laugh that ended in a sigh. "It is so long since anybody called me that." "I wouldn't dare to with you looking at me." "Am I so formidable of aspect?

He reached the main floor, but made a hasty crossing of the gaudy vestibule without stopping to speak to the hall-boy. He had left his baggage at the station, expecting to send it to his wife's apartment when he found it. He had found it, but he could imagine what would happen to the baggage if he sent it there. "All right!" he said to himself.