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But it wuz tegus, fearful tegus, and excitin'. Excitin', but not exhileratin', to have the floor all covered with rags of different shapes and sizes, no two of a kind. It wuz a curius time before he come, and a wild time, but what must have been the wildness, and the curosity when there wuz, to put a small estimate on it, nearly a billion of crazy lookin' rags scattered round on the floor.

In a moment a figure darted from the side of a bed behind the door, and having caught up something as it passed between me and the entrance, he, for I then saw my assailant was a man, brandished the "miserable remains" of a kitchen poker before my face, and demanded, "What did I want, and how da-ar I come there to throuble thim with my curosity?"

'By the powdhers o' war, here comes the knight arriant, says the king, 'ridin' the dhraggin that's all afire, and if he gets into the palace, yiz must be ready wid the fire ingines, says he, 'for to put him out. But when they seen the dhraggin fall outside, they all run downstairs and scampered into the palace-yard for to circumspect the curosity; and by the time they got down, the waiver had got off o' the dhraggin's neck, and runnin' up to the king, says he, 'Plaze your holiness, says he, 'I did not think myself worthy of killin' this facetious baste, so I brought him to yourself for to do him the honour of decripitation by your own royal five fingers.

So that you see he laid by a pretty handsome sum at the end of the year. My master was diffrent; and being a more fashnable man than Mr. B., in course he owed a deal more mony. I give this as a curosity pipple doan't know how in many cases fashnabble life is carried on; and to know even what a real gnlmn OWES is somethink instructif and agreeable. But to my tail.

It was only curosity, and, at one thought, a nameless horror! ... Not at the thought of murder ... there he had no compunction, but at that of the terrible deed which from instinct of self-protection had perforce to succeed the graver crime. The weight of those chalk boulders seemed still to weigh against the muscles of his back.

Isn't it strange and sad and pitiful, that it is the summer guest who alone enjoys the delights of summering in the country? There is no time for rest, for recreation, for flowers, for outdoor pleasures, for the average farmer and his family. You seldom see any bright faces at the windows, which are seldom opened only a glimpse here and there of a sad, haggard creature, peering out for curosity.

Well, things went on in this uncomfortable way, master still in the mopes, missis tempted by the deamons of jellosy and curosity; until a singlar axident brought to light all the goings on of Mr. Altamont. Master said, as he was mixing his fifth tumler of punch and little Shum his twelfth or so master said, "I see you twice in the City to-day, Mr. Shum." "Well, that's curous!" says Shum.

Have you a leanin' toward Natural history, madam? Have you ever studied into the habits and traits of our American Wad?" "What?" sez I. For truly a woman's curosity, however parlyzed by just indignation, can stand only just so much strain. "The what?" "The wad. The animal from which is obtained the valuable fur that tailors make so much use of." Sez I, "Do you mean waddin' eight cents a sheet?"

But I kep' calm; I have got giant self-control, and I used every mite of it, every atom of control I had by me, and kep' calm. I see I must for I see that Miss Fogg looked bad; yes, I see that the author of "Wedlock's Peaceful Repose" wuz pretty much used up. She looked curius, curiuser than the floor looked, and that is goin' to the complete end of curosity, and metafor.

And that would mad me so that it would be some time before I would ask him agin, and then curosity would git the better of me and I would ask him agin sunthin' about it, but his reply wuz always the same: "Wimmen's minds wuz too weak and tottlin' to tackle the subject." So all the light I could git wuz to hear him talk it over with some man.