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"I think it is more 'curous' than pretty," said Geoffrey solemnly; "I should call it 'Kurus." He had been trying for several minutes to think of something to say to comfort Mollie. "But I wanted to call it Evelina," said Molly; "I can't call that thing Evelina. Why, I can't even show it to Bessie." Now, Bessie was the little girl next door, Mollie's own well-beloved playmate.

Why, dis berry curous sarcumstance, 'pon my word dare's a great big nail in do skull, what fastens ob it on to de tree." "Well now, Jupiter, do exactly as I tell you do you hear?" "Yes, massa." "Pay attention, then! find the left eye of the skull." "Hum! hoo! dat's good! why, dare ain't no eye lef' at all." "Curse your stupidity! do you know your right hand from your left?"

But it was foreordained that he should walk, jest cos it wasn't generally kalkilated and reckoned on. So, YOU had no show." For a moment, Minty seemed struck with her father's original theory. But with a vigorous shake of her shoulders she threw it off. Her eyes darkened. "I reckon you ain't thinking, Pop " she began. "I was only sayin' it was curous," he rejoined quietly.

"Was you pooty sick aboard the boat?" "Not at all." "That's curous! Women 'most alluz is, 'specially wen it's so ruffly as it is to-day. Was bubby sick any?" "No." "Wa-al, that's very fortnit, for I don't blieve he'll be sick wen he grows up an' goes walin'. It's pooty tryin', the fust two or three weeks out, ginerally. How young is he a-goin' to begin?" "I do not think he will ever go to sea."

And then he unfolded the letter and read as follows: "DORINCOURT CASTLE" My dear Mr. Hobbs "I write this in a great hury becaus i have something curous to tell you i know you will be very mutch suprised my dear frend when i tel you.

The surly boatman rowed off, but he soon ceased to be surly when the count spoke of the humanity and hospitality which had been shown to some of his countrymen by Mr. Percy. Immediately the boatman's tongue was loosed. "Why, ay, sir, if you bees curous about that there gentleman, I can tell you a deal about him.

Why dis berry curous sarcumstance, pon my word dare's a great big nail in de skull, what fastens ob it on to de tree." "Well now, Jupiter, do exactly as I tell you do you hear?" "Yes, massa." "Pay attention, then! find the left eye of the skull." "Hum! hoo! dat's good! why dare aint no eye lef at all." "Curse your stupidity! do you know your right hand from your left?"

"You didn't see his face?" "No." "An' 'ee didn't mind you of anybody?" Halsey hesitated. "Well, onst I did think I'd seen one o' the same build soomwhere. But I can't recolleck where." "As for the blood," said Betts reflectively, "it's as curous as the coughin'. Did you iver hear tell as ghosts could bleed?" Hastings shook his head. Steeped in meditation, the two men smoked silently for a while.

And he would sithe heart breakin' sithes, and moisten his hands in his mouth, and roll up his shirt sleeves, and toil and toil till he seemed to git a new plan made after Uncle Nate's idees, as squatty and curous lookin' as I ever see as I glanced at it in a cursory way.

Oh dear me! what a mysterious curous trial pardners be more'n half the time! but still I feel that they pay after all. Let him talk as he would I knew he wuz only carryin' out that fad to try to be genteel and fashionable, and oh how much trouble I've seen, from first to last, with that sperit in my pardner! Well, we didn't stay down much longer.