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I can work yet there's plenty o' people want me to work for 'em an' maybe, when yer get over this, you'll work a bit too now and again. We'll hold together, John anyways. While I live and keep my 'elth yer shan't want. An' yer'll forgive Bessie" she broke into sudden sobbing. "Oh! I'll never 'ear a crule word about Bessie in my 'ouse, never!"

Curley sitting in the darkness by the window, watching the lively street, fanning herself comfortably, and pouring forth the history of the time Curley gave poor Ralph a "crule" beating, or of the day Alicia Curley died in convulsions at the age of three. Martie had hoped to be in her own little home when the baby came, but this was swiftly proven impossible.

Suddenly, without any warning, he slid into the maudlin phase, taking his parable of lamentation against "this crule warr." "I weep, sirr," said he, "over the rrupture of mee adhopted counthree the counthree that resaved mee with opin arrums, when I was floying from the feece of toirants," &c., &c.

I can work yet there's plenty o' people want me to work for 'em an maybe, when yer get over this, you'll work a bit too now and again. We'll hold together, John anyways. While I live and keep my 'elth, yer shan't want. An yer'll forgive Bessie' she broke into sudden sobbing. 'Oh! I'll never 'ear a crule word about Bessie in my 'ouse, never!

"Yo' tell her, Muster Saunders," he said, "to gie it me back! I'll not ast for all on it, but some on it, Muster Saunders some on it. She can't 'a spent it. She must 'a got it somewhere. Yo' speak to her, Muster Saunders. It's a crule thing to rob an old man like me an' her own mother's brother. Yo' speak to 'er an' yo', too, Mary Anne." He looked piteously from one to the other.

These, with much banging and shaking, she spread upon the downstairs couch, indicating to the still weeping Depper it was there he was expected to pass the night. "Bor, you may well blubber!" she said to him, with a kind of comfortable scorn of him and his sorrow. "You 'ont ketch me a-dryin' yer tears for ye, and so I tell ye flat. A crule husban' yu ha' been as any woman ever had.

"I don't think ye have a right to be talkin' that way of your gran'father," he said reprovingly; "an' he isn't that bad. He never offered to lay a finger on me as long as I am in it, barring the time I let the sheep into the hay-field." "He's a crule ould villain!" returned Roseen conclusively. "Look at all he done on me mother.

Do to me wot you will, you dirty dogs, I will never surrender. Soner will I die. "One crule brute hit him a blo on the lips and he sprang back, snarling with rage. In less time than wot it takes to rite this he had sprang at his torturer's throte and his teeth met in one mighty bite. His torturer dropped ded and lifless at his feet.

I wouldn't like to be doin' that, Roseen." "If they was rale bad people," said Roseen persuasively; "rale wicked, crule people, the same as me gran'father beyant, it 'ud sarve them right, or we might throw down a sup of bilin' wather," she added as a concession. Mike appeared unconvinced.

I reckon 'twas, and the tale I've 'eard many times from Mr Saunders, how this young man Martin George Martin was troubled before his crule action come to light by the young woman's sperit. 'How was that, do you know? 'No, sir, I don't exactly know how 'twas with it: but by what I've 'eard he was fairly tormented; and rightly tu.