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'Then just blo' away into that 'un as lies on the grund, fit to wakken the deead, will'ee, said the man, 'while I stop sum o' this here squealing inside. Cumin', cumin'. Dean't make that noise, wooman.

It's so long since you rote any. Mister Recketts ses you dont care any more. Wen you rite send your fotograff. Folks here ses I aint got no big bruther any way, as I disremember his looks, and cant say wots like him. Cissy's kryin' all along of it. I've got a hedake. William Walker make it ake by a blo. So no more at present from your loving little bruther Jim.

I had not the heart to do it, and as I slowly moved away, there came to me the last words that I ever heard from Rudder Grange: "And with one wild shry ik to heav en her heart's blo od spat ter ed that prynce ly home of woe "

Vell, ven ve came out, you minds as 'ow the voman had a bundle in her arms, and you spake to her; and she answered you roughly, and left us all, and vent straight home; and ve vent and fenced the swag' that wery night and afterwards napped the regulars. And sure you made us laugh 'artily, Meester Pepper, when you said, says you, 'That 'ere voman is a rum blo" en. So she vas, Meester Pepper!"

So handing him one of the primers, she pointed out a line on which to begin. The spirit of mischief entered our little friend, and he stumbled through b-l-a bla b-l-i bli b-l-o blo b-l-u blu, with great gravity and slowness.

In truth, the animals were no sooner released than they trotted back, with much deliberation, to the stable they had just left, which was distant not a mile behind. 'Can you blo' a harn? asked the guard, disengaging one of the coach-lamps. 'I dare say I can, replied Nicholas.

Do to me wot you will, you dirty dogs, I will never surrender. Soner will I die. "One crule brute hit him a blo on the lips and he sprang back, snarling with rage. In less time than wot it takes to rite this he had sprang at his torturer's throte and his teeth met in one mighty bite. His torturer dropped ded and lifless at his feet.

A month later the rehabilitated old bark also staggered out the entrance, and, with a naked, half-starved crew and sad-eyed, dilapidated officers, headed southward for Rio de Janeiro. "Thrice is he armed that hath his quarrel just." "But 4 times he who gits hiz blo' in fust." Captain William Belchior was more than a martinet.

William hiccupped out an order for a bottle of Jamieson eight-year-old; but pipes were not allowed, and cigars were voted tedious, so they adjourned to the bar, where they were free to get as drunk as they pleased. William said, "Now let's 'ear the blo the bloody omen that put ye on to Sultan that blood packet of Turkish Delight."

Vell, ven ve came out, you minds as 'ow the voman had a bundle in her arms, and you spake to her; and she answered you roughly, and left us all, and vent straight home; and ve vent and fenced the swag' that wery night and afterwards napped the regulars. And sure you made us laugh 'artily, Meester Pepper, when you said, says you, 'That 'ere voman is a rum blo" en. So she vas, Meester Pepper!"