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You may not be a William Shakespeare or even a George Meredith, but you have written some mighty interesting stories. Why, I know a chap who sits up till morning to finish a book of yours. Can't sleep until he has finished it." "What's the matter with him; insomnia?" "No; he's a night watchman. Does that satisfy you, you crossgrained old shellfish?

"But whatever it is, a hundred thousand thanks, old fellow," says Mrs. Bagnet, her eyes sparkling with pleasure and her hand stretched out to him; "and though I have been a crossgrained soldier's wife to you sometimes, George, we are as strong friends, I am sure, in reality, as ever can be. Now you shall fasten it on yourself, for good luck, if you will, George."

While the lathe-cut sheets are thin, they are solid wood with the cell structure just the same as it grew in the tree. In making plywood the inside sheets are placed crossgrained with the face sheets. These sheets are then united with a glue bond that is stronger than the wood itself.

"How now, sir knave," said the Constable, raising himself on his elbow, from what drunken rhymer did you learn that half-witted satire?" "From an old, ragged, crossgrained friend of mine, called Experience," answered Vidal. "I pray Heaven, he may never take your lordship, or any other worthy man, under his tuition."

"I am rather crossgrained when I am not well pleased." "That will not hurt me," said Thorhall. "I shall be glad if you will come to me." "I can do so," he said. "Are there any special difficulties?" "The place seems to be haunted." "I am not afraid of ghosts. It will be the less dull." "You will have to risk it," said Thorhall. "It will be best to meet it with a bold face."

During the first part of the day they had ridden though a hilly and woody country, and towards evening they emerged upon one of the smaller campos, which occur here and there in the district. "Martin," said Barney, as he lay smoking his pipe, "'tis a pity that there's no pleasure in this world without something crossgrained into it.

The western Indians were friendly, and if we had not had this incubus of an Englishman on our hands we should have had fire and song, a boiling pot, and roasting maize cakes. There was no muttering among the men, for I was there, but they looked glowering, and drew away. The Englishman ate in silence. I was too ruffled and crossgrained to talk to him, but I could not keep myself from watching him.

She had an ideal of fatherhood, had gentle, silent, useless Lydia formed upon the genial, sunshiny type of parent popular in books, and she cast a romantic veil over disappointed, selfish, crossgrained Malcolm Monroe and delighted in little daughterly attentions to him. She sat next to him at table, and put her own kindly interpretation upon his moods.

In a town, named Villagañanes, there was once an old widow uglier than the sergeant of Utrera, who was considered as ugly as ugly could be; drier than hay; older than foot-walking, and more yellow than the jaundice. Moreover, she had so crossgrained a disposition that Job himself could not have tolerated her.

'Frampered' or frampold, peevish, crossgrained, rugged; now obsolete. Ed. Reader, these are extraordinary productions that will well repay an attentive perusal. It is the confession of faith of a Christian who had suffered nearly twelve years' imprisonment, under persecution for conscience sake. Shut up with his Bible, you have here the result of a prayerful study of those holy oracles.