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"Patrona la mas amada De nuestro suelo Espanol Nuestro mas luciente sol En la noche desgraciada Pues para ser proclamada Con el voto mas cordial Sois Maria concebida Sin pecado original." "Concede en fin Madre amada A tus hijos este dia La mas cristiana alegria Y la muerte deseada Para que seas cantada En la patria celestial Sois Maria concebida Sin pecado original."

Euna delle facolta singolari ed incommunicabili della religione Cristiana questa, di poter dare indirizzo e quiete a chiunoque, in qualsivoglia congiuntura, a qualsivoglia termine, ricorra ad essa.

Una Cristiana and La Prueba, its sequel, are founded on the sex problem, and, probably without any intention of offence, Pardo Bazan has worked with a very full brush and a free hand, if I may borrow the terms from a sister art. Her articles on intellectual and social questions show an amount of education and a breadth of view which place her among the best writers of her nation.

"And get little more from him!" said one of the fishermen, who was jealous of Salvatore's good-fortune. Salvatore laughed loudly. He had drunk a good deal of wine and he had had a great deal of money given to him. "I shall find another English fool, perhaps!" he said. "Chi lo sa?" "And his cristiana?" asked another fisherman. "What is she like?"

We had to go to school at the mission every day, to learn to speak Spanish, and to say the doctrina cristiana, to read and write; but not all the children could get so far as to write, for it was hard for them to learn, and only the brightest ones were ever able to write more than their names. But it was not so hard for me, for I wished to learn, and the padres liked to teach me.

But he knew where his girl and Maurice were, and that Gaspare and Amedeo were with them. And he knew, too, that the Inglese's signora had come back. He told the news to the fishermen. "To-night, when he gets home, his 'cristiana' will be waiting for him. Per Dio! it is over for him now. We shall see little more of him."

"Like!" cried Salvatore, pouring out another glass of wine and spitting on the discolored floor, over which hens were running; "what is any cristiana like?" And he repeated the contadino's proverb: "'La mugghieri è comu la gatta: si l'accarizzi, idda ti gratta!" "Perhaps the Inglese will get scratched to-night," said the first fisherman. "I don't mind," rejoined Salvatore.

The voice and instrumental partbooks were edited by Malvezzi, and published at Venice in 1591 under the title "Intermedii e concerti, fatti per la commedia rappresentata in Firenze nelle nozze del Ferdinando Medici e Madama Cristiana di Lorena."

Dante's words about him L'amoroso drudo Della fede Cristiana, il santo atleta, Benigno a' suoi, ed a' nemici crudo, omit nothing that is needed to characterise the impression produced upon the Christian world by this remorseless foe of heresy, this champion of the faith who dealt in butcheries and burnings.