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Patty's ambitions in the culinary line ran to the fanciful and elaborate confections which were pictured in the cook-books and in the household periodicals; especially did she incline toward marvellous desserts which called for spun sugar, and syllabubs, and rare sweetmeats, and patent freezing processes.

There is so much in this that is not found in other cook-books, that it is equal to a small library in itself." Extracts from Anna Barrow's letters in Oxford and Portland papers.

SHELLS are merely the husk of the cocoa-nut; and a cupful to a quart of boiling water is the amount needed. Boil steadily an hour, and use with milk and sugar. This rule, though unlike that given in cook-books generally, makes a drink in consistency and flavor like that offered at Maillard's or Mendee's, the largest chocolate manufacturers in the country.

This has met with professional recognition. I have often furnished recipes for cook-books. Here are some designs for pies and things, which I recently prepared for a friend's projected cook-book, but as I forgot to furnish diagrams and perspectives, they had to be left out, of course.

"Among all the cook-books, Mrs. It is published and arranged in a very convenient and attractive form, and the style in which it is written has a certain literary quality which will tempt those who are not interested in recipes and cooking to peruse its pages.

"That's good," said Molly enthusiastically; "you're a treasure, Polly. I can do codfish and milk, and make molasses candy, and fry griddle-cakes. We shan't have such a bad time, after all." "We have ever so many cook-books," suggested Polly. "Can't we do something with them?" "I'm afraid they'd be tough, unless we boiled them a good while," giggled Molly.

In a bay-window stood an easel with an unfinished picture on it, and a palette and brushes on a chair beside it. There were books everywhere: Robertson's Sermons, Tennyson, Moody and Sankey, Hawthorne, Rab and His Friends, cook-books, prayer-books, pattern-books and books about all kinds of odious and exasperating pottery, of course.

But in America, owing to our brighter skies and more fervid climate, we have developed an acute, nervous delicacy of temperament far more akin to that of France than of England. Half of the recipes in our cook-books are mere murder to such constitutions and stomachs as we grow here.

First among these things is, "What will you have for dinner?" a question not to be answered by detailed answers, on the principle of the imaginary Barmacide feasts of the cook-books, but by the results of deep principles, which underlie, indeed, the whole superficial strata of civilized life.

"It's not so public up in the library. Perhaps if you happen to be going that way?" She left her communication a fragment, but he thought it worth acting upon. Among the library shelves he found Laska deep in a new volume on domestic science. "This ain't any kind of day to be fooling away your time on cook-books. Come out into the sun and live," he invited.