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Some day some one will publish a real cook-book for young housekeepers, but it will be a wise husband with the proper sense of things, not a motherly person at all, who will write it. They make things that are good enough to eat, but that is not the best part of cooking by long odds. There is one housekeeping feat of which Elisabeth says she is ashamed yet. I am not. I'll bet it was fine.

Does a serial cook-book sound like nonsense?" A further point in his editing which Bok always kept in view was his rule that the editor must always be given the privilege of revising or editing a manuscript.

A little experience, and then invention, will show you how varied are the combinations, and how one page in your cook-book can do duty for twenty. One pound of sugar; one pound of flour; three-quarters of a pound of butter; nine eggs; one teaspoonful of baking powder, and one of lemon extract; one nutmeg grated.

'The Dead Heat' is printed on the saddle-cloth. Half of them have been arrested already. It's a little idea of my own." "But," protested Carter, "it's not a racing story, it's a detective story!" "The devil it is!" gasped Spink. "But what's the difference!" he exclaimed. "They've got to buy it anyway. They'd buy it if it was a cook-book.

Beside the card he placed a large old-fashioned dinner bell, and then led the way to the rear of the shop. Behind the little office in which this unusual merchant had been studying his cook-book a narrow stairway rose on each side, running up to the gallery. Behind these stairs a short flight of steps led to the domestic recesses.

The food was plentiful, but Altamont found himself wishing that the first book they found in the Carnegie Library crypt would be a cook-book. In the afternoon, he and Loudons separated. Loudons attached himself to the Tenant, the Reader and an old woman, Irene Klein, who was almost a hundred years old and was the repository and arbiter of most of the community's oral legends.

So he went about his affairs, and Miriam, having resumed her ordinary dress, went out with her cook-book to a bench under a tree on the lawn. She never stayed in the house when it was possible to be out of doors. "I wish I could find out," she said to herself, "what Dora Bannister intended to make for Ralph out of raspberries.

Then I was noticing in the paper that there is a Presbyterian cook-book just out. I should like to have some read out of that." This caused a smile to go around the circle, for Mrs. Boot was one of those inveterate pie and cake makers, whose life consisted in the abundance of pastry; who was an unhappy woman until she had obtained the last new receipt for cake and made it up.

Say the multiplication table if you like, or recite cook-book recipes. Anything if you'll only stay!" Little golden flickers of sunshine came stealing through the branches, dancing, as the girl talked, on her gown and in her hair. I looked more than I listened. I had been starved for a sight of her.

A good roasted potato is a delicacy worth a dozen compositions of the cook-book; yet when we ask for it, what burnt, shriveled abortions are presented to us! Biddy rushes to her potato-basket and pours out two dozen of different sizes, some having in them three times the amount of matter of others.