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Pleydell took snuff, and eyed him with a glance equally shrewd and sarcastic. 'I'll teach him, he said aside to Mannering, 'the value of the old admonition, Ne accesseris in consilium antequam voceris. 'But perhaps I intrude, gentlemen? said Glossin, who could not fail to observe the coldness of his reception. 'Is this an open meeting? 'For my part, said Mr.

Itaque pauci veniunt ad senectutem; quod ni ita accideret, melius et prudentius viveretur. Mens enim et ratio et consilium in senibus est, qui si nulli fuissent, nullae omnino civitates fuissent. Sed redeo ad mortem impendentem.

Nature made health, and at the same time it was necessary by a kind of concomitance that the source of diseases should be opened up. The same thing applies with regard to virtue; the direct action of Nature, which brought it forth, produced by a counter stroke the brood of vices. Existimat autem non fuisse hoc principale naturae consilium, ut faceret homines morbis obnoxios.

Sic Hercle, inquit, dum virtus hominibus per consilium naturae gignitur, vitia ibidem per affinitatem contrariam nata sunt." I do not think that a pagan could have said anything more reasonable, considering his ignorance of the first man's fall, the knowledge of which has only reached us through revelation, and which indeed is the true cause of our miseries.

XLII. Aderat jam annus, quo proconsulatum Asiae et Africae sortiretur, et occiso Civica nuper nec Agricolae consilium deerat, nec Domitiano exemplum.

Debet etiam rex omnia rite facere in regno, et per judicium procerum regni. Debet ... justitiam per consilium procerum regni sui tenere. Leges Ed. 17. The non-observance of a regulation of police was always heavily punished by barbarous nations; a slighter punishment was inflicted upon the commission of crimes.

EFFICERET: efficeret, liberet, and oporteret can be properly rendered into English only by the present tense. Although these verbs express circumstances which continue, since the general effect of old age is being described, they are thrown into the past to suit the past tense dicebam or dixi which, though not expressed, is really the principal verb. Cf. below, 62, 78. CONSILIUM: 'deliberation'.

Temporibus ergo magnorum consiliorum conueniunt illuc sapientes terrae, reputantes sibi per inspirationem immitti consilium optimum de agendis. Item ad diuisionem Thraciae et Macedoniae sunt duo mirabiliter alti montes, vnus Olympus, alter Athos, cuius vltimi vmbra oriente sole apparet ad 76. miliaria, vsque in insulam Lemnon. Iesus Christus nascetur de Virgine, et ego credo in eum.

It may perhaps be paralleled with the love of the Roman for processions, e.g. the lustrations of farm, city, and army, and with his instinctive desire for aid and counsel in all important matters both of public and private life, shown in the consilium of the paterfamilias and of the magistrate.

After the assembled Consistory had publicly upbraided him for all the sins he had hitherto committed to wit: his dancing in the woods; his keeping a big dog; his propensity to all kinds of idle jesting; his playing truant at church; his consorting with fiddlers and trumpeters; tussling with night watchmen; making the beadle drunk and dressing him up in woman's clothes; smoking in the streets, etc. he was sent to jail for a week, and then solemnly expelled from the Keszmár Lyceum with the consilium abeundi, and thus prevented from doing anything whereby he might perhaps have prevented the consummation of his rival's wedding.