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They alleged that I had already been tried by a jury of twelve free citizens that I had been found guilty of nigger-stealing that I had stolen two niggers that I had resisted when pursued, and had "wownded" one of my pursuers; and that, as all this had been "clarly made out," they couldn't see what more was wanted to establish my guilt, and that I ought to be hung on the spot, without further loss of time.

Clarly he nebber heerd ob dat an' massa he notice dat, seems to me, for he ses, `Well, Cappin Fizzerald, it may be your duty to seize dis pirit and deliber him up to justice, but it's no duty ob mine to help you. "`Oh! as to dat, ses de cappin, `I'll easily find him widout your assistance. I have a party of men with me, and no one knows or even suspects de reason ob my visit.

Having accomplished the object of our expedition, we may then return homeward by the nearest route." "Bravo!" "Viva!" "That's jest right, captain!" "That's clarly our best plan!" were a few among the many forms by which the hunters testified their approval of the programme. There was no dissenting voice. The word "Prieto" struck like music upon their ears.

Then he said: "'Pears as if I couldn't see clarly after that tarnation blow. You look out, Neb. And, Padre, you'd better step back thar and keep a weather eye on them younkers. It doesn't do to turn them out too free, with things all broke up." "You're right, man, you're right, Jeroboam," said the good Brother tremulously. "I'll keep an eye on them, as you say."