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Sally prefaced her reply with one of the professional gasps wherewith she was wont to bring down the iron pestle. "Well, now, you white folks am de greatest ijits eber was born. Do you t'ink you'll deliber your fadder from de Moors by feedin' him on biscuits an' hope? What's de end ob all dis to come to? das what I want to know. Ob course you can't go on for eber.

On the following day a coach drew up in front of the Continental Tavern, and with much dignity a negro in livery alighted from the seat beside the driver. "You will deliber Lady Washington's an' my deferential complimen's to Miss Janice Meredith; likewise dis letter from his Excellency," he said grandly to the tavern-keeper. "Waal, of all airs fer a nigger!" snorted mine host.

"Didn't my Lawd deliber Daniel, Didn't my Lawd deliber Daniel, An' why not ebery man? He delibered Daniel from de lions' den, An' de Hebrew Chillern from de furnace, He delibered David from de han' of Saul, An' why not ebery man?" Rand turned into Governor Street, climbed its white ascent, and struck across the Capitol Square.

"Free, massa!" exclaimed the negro, rolling up his great eyes at his questioner, in earnest wonder; "why, what de debil put dat in your head? No, sah! I wouldn't be free for nuffin. If dares one ting in dis world more mean dan anudder, I 'spect it's a free nigger. Guy! de Lord deliber dis chile from anyting ob dat kind." "You astound me, Jeff. This is all nonsense."

Clarly he nebber heerd ob dat an' massa he notice dat, seems to me, for he ses, `Well, Cappin Fizzerald, it may be your duty to seize dis pirit and deliber him up to justice, but it's no duty ob mine to help you. "`Oh! as to dat, ses de cappin, `I'll easily find him widout your assistance. I have a party of men with me, and no one knows or even suspects de reason ob my visit.

"What have you and your mule Boomerang to do with my telephone? That's up in the house." "No, it ain't! it's right yeah in mah pocket," chuckled Eradicate, opening a ragged coat, and reaching for something. "I got yo' telephone right yeah." he went on. "De agent at de station see me dribin' ober dis way, an' he done ast he t' deliber it.